Agenda item

NHS England (Kent and Medway) Commissioning Plans

This report informs the Board of the updated Kent and Medway Direct Commissioning Strategy and Two Year Operational Plan for 2014 - 2016. It also informs the Board of the 2015 - 2016 planning requirements which build on last year’s two year plan.




The Director of Operations and Delivery, NHS England (Kent and Medway), introduced a report which informed the Board of the Kent and Medway Direct Commissioning Strategy and Two Year Operational Plan for 2014 - 2016 which had been updated to take account of changing national priorities and revisions to the financial context.  The report also informed the Board of an addendum to this document which had been prepared to take account of the 2015 -2016 planning requirements.


There was a discussion around the primary care funding statistics quoted in the documents which it was suggested contradicted the government’s data available at The Chairman stressed the importance of identifying an accurate figure for Medway, Kent and nationally and requested a report to a future meeting.


With reference to section 7 of the strategy document, concern was expressed about the lack of detail on armed forces health care. The importance of early intervention was stressed so that issues, particularly in relation to mental health, were tackled whilst personnel were still in service rather after leaving the service.  It was suggested that more detailed information on support for the armed services  was required and the Director of Operations and Delivery, NHS England (Kent and Medway) offered to produce a report on the Armed Force Strategy for a future meeting. 


It was suggested that there needed to be better identification of the number of ex-service personnel that served time in prison, particularly for offences such as assault, in order that better support could be provided to integrate offenders back into the community.


In response to a question on the level of transition of dentistry services into primary care, the Director of Operations and Delivery, NHS England (Kent and Medway) said there was limited scope to progress this further due to the need to be compliant with clinical standards relating to dental anaesthesia.


The Director of Public Health requested that NHS England take account of the issue of transfer of medical care for people leaving prison. This did not always work well and it was important for continuity of care that handover was made to GPs and specialist services.






The Health and Wellbeing Board:


a)    noted the report and agreed that the NHS England (Kent and Medway) commissioning intentions reflected the local priorities agreed by the Board;


b)    requested a report from the Director of Operations and Delivery, NHS England (Kent and Medway) and Clinical Director, NHS Medway CCG providing clarity on primary care funding levels, comparing Medway with Kent and the national position;


c)    requested a report  from the Director of Operations and Delivery, NHS England (Kent and Medway) giving details of the emotional wellbeing support provided to the armed services in Medway and recommending further action;


d)    requested the Director of Operations and Delivery, NHS England (Kent and Medway) to take account, in future commissioning of prison health services, the importance of putting in place an effective discharge process to ensure continuity of health care services after release from prison.

Supporting documents: