Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 1 June 2022 6.30pm

Venue: St George's Centre, Pembroke Road, Chatham Maritime, Chatham ME4 4UH. View directions

Contact: Julie Francis-Beard, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Diane Chambers, Curry, McDonald and Tranter.


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Carr, Councillor Fearn and Councillor Lammas to the Planning Committee and thanked former Members of the Planning Committee Councillors Etheridge, Opara and Barrett although Councillor Barrett was attending this meeting as a substitute.


Record of meeting pdf icon PDF 471 KB

To approve the record of the meeting held on 4 May 2022 and the record of the Joint Meeting of Committees held on 18 May 2022.


Additional documents:


The record of the meeting held on 4 May 2022 and the record of the Joint Meeting of Committees held on 18 May 2022 was agreed and signed by the Chairman as correct.


Urgent matters by reason of special circumstances

The Chairman will announce any late items which do not appear on the main agenda but which he/she has agreed should be considered by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the report. 


The Chairman reminded Members that if they left the room for any part of the introduction or discussion on a planning application, they should not rejoin the Committee for the debate and decision-making for that particular application.


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests pdf icon PDF 371 KB

Members are invited to disclose any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct.  Guidance on this is set out in agenda item 4.


Disclosable pecuniary interests


There were none.


Other significant interests (OSIs)


There were none.


Other interests


Councillor Gulvin referred to planning application MC/21/2272 – Land North of Queen Street, Chatham.  Whilst not a Medway Development Company (MDC) development, MDC did act on behalf of Medway Council and MHS to facilitate this application and as a Director of MDC, Councillor Gulvin stated he would leave the meeting for this item. Councillor Gulvin pointed out that some information in the report was incorrect, namely that the report indicated that most of the properties and land in Queen Street was in the ownership of MHS Homes which was not correct. Number 3 Queen Street was in the ownership of the Council, regarding number 9 Queen Street the Council was acquiring the property and the land on the corner of Queen Street and The Brook was in the ownership of the Council.


Councillor Maple declared an interest as one of the signatories from the Labour and Co-operative Group which had called in a Cabinet decision relating to a site adjacent to the land north of Queen Street, Chatham which was the subject of agenda item 5.  


Planning application - MC/21/2272 Land North of Queen Street, Chatham, Medway, ME4 4LU pdf icon PDF 266 KB

River Ward


Construction of a block comprising of forty-five 1 and 2-bedroom apartments with associated access, parking and landscaping - demolition of existing dwellings.



Additional documents:


Councillor Gulvin left the meeting for this item.




The Head of Planning outlined the application in detail and explained the reasons why the application was being recommended for approval. In addition, he referred to one letter of objection that had been received, full details of which were set out in the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


The Head of Planning reminded the Committee that planning permission had been resolved to be granted for 179 apartments in four blocks on the adjacent site in March 2021.  The permission was issued in February 2022, following the completion of the required S106 agreement which included the provision of 100% of the affordable housing from that site on the site the subject of this application.


The Head of Planning recommended approval as this was a good scheme, it was well designed, would provide affordable housing, acceptable carparking and was respectful to local neighbourhoods.


The Committee considered the application noting that:


Concern was expressed that the adjacent car park site may not be developed in line with the original planning permission conditions and, if so, what impact this would have on this linked application, particularly around the proposed provision of the required 100% affordable housing. Whether any proposal to vary any condition, particularly on affordable housing, would be referred to the Committee was queried.


There were also concerns about the impact on King Street and Cross Street and the height of the development. 


It was suggested that an additional condition be added around the parking scheme given 20 parking spaces for 45 units would be a challenge.


The Head of Planning confirmed that planning permission related to the land and not the applicant. The proposed S106 Agreement meant that the two sites had to be developed together.  Any proposal to develop private housing and not 100% affordable housing would not be in accordance with the S106 Agreement and would need to come back to the Planning Committee.


The Head of Planning confirmed the Council would work with developers to manage the car parking and ensure there were restrictions.  Residents would not be eligible to apply for parking permits to park in neighbouring roads.  Discussions would take place on whether residents would have access to the car club which would come forward as part of the Chatham Waterfront development.


The Head of Planning confirmed that the height of this development would fit in with Cross Street and King Street.




Approved subject to:


A)   The applicant entering into an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure:


        Provision of 100% affordable housing for the adjacent site

         Contribution of £11,422.35 towards bird disturbance mitigation



B)   conditions 1-25 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report. 



Planning application - MC/21/3055 Strood Service Station 3 London Road, Strood, Rochester pdf icon PDF 863 KB

Strood South Ward 


Demolition of existing buildings and removal of underground tanks. Redevelopment of the existing Petrol Filling Station and surrounding land to provide up to a five-storey building to comprise 48 residential units (Use Class C3) with ground floor commercial space (Use Class E) to include amenity space, refuse and bicycle storage, landscaping and associated works. The proposal includes the redevelopment of the seven arches within the site comprising commercial space (Use Class E).

Additional documents:


Councillor Gulvin returned to the meeting.




The Head of Planning outlined the application in detail and explained the reasons why the application was being recommended for approval. An additional condition, number 30, was added as set out in the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


The Head of Planning confirmed that following pre-application advice the developers had completely re-thought the application and reduced the height of the scheme.


The Committee considered the application noting that:


Many members of the Planning Committee had attended a presentation for this site and many of their concerns and questions had been answered. 


Members thought this scheme was well designed and would revitalise the area.


There was a concern regarding whether the Ward Councillors and adjacent Ward Councillors would be consulted regarding the utilisation of S106 monies.  The Head of Planning agreed to this.


The Head of Planning confirmed that although the pictures of the podium garden in the presentation were an artist’s impression of the trees, the latter would mature and a significant amount of planting would be established.


In response to concerns that residents may park in surrounding roads, the Head of Planning confirmed that residents would not be entitled to parking permits for surrounding roads but would have access to the car club which would be on site.  Future residents would be made aware whether they had a parking space or not as part of the car park management plan in Condition 25.


The Head of Planning confirmed that he would be happy to include in Condition 7 that the developer meets with nearby residents regularly to discuss the development during construction in order to mitigate any disturbance. 


Members suggested adding a condition that the vehicle access gate should be sufficiently inset to take the length of the vehicle so that there were no vehicles queuing on Cuxton Road.










Approved subject to:


A)   the developer entering into a Section 106 agreement to secure:


i)        a minimum of 25% affordable housing (no less than 12 units)


ii)        the following contributions in accordance with Medway Council’s

Developer Contributions Guide 2021:


        £12,051.36 toward Nursery provision

        £4,131.00 toward Primary provision

        £26,363.00 toward Secondary Provision

        £1,939.02 toward Sixth form provision

        £11,760.00 toward Public Realm improvements

        £8,194.08 toward improved library facilities at Strood Library

        £31,375.68 toward Medway Primary Care Network

        £8,568.24 toward waste and recycling

        £2,400.00 toward improvements of PROW improvements in the

immediate vicinity

        £120,267.72 toward enhancement of open space facilities in the

vicinity of the development as well as outdoor sport and

allotments in Medway.

        £6,329.88 toward Medway’s Metropolitan Park (Great Lines

Heritage Park)

        £12,183.84 toward Habitats Regulations (mitigation for Wintering Birds - at £253.83 per dwelling)


B)   conditions 1-29 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.


C)   an additional condition 30 as set out below:  


Condition 30:  The proposed access road running through the site shall be one way only with access off London  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


Planning application - MC/22/0475 Net Tex Industries Hoo Marina Industrial Estate, Vicarage Lane, Hoo St Werburgh pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Peninsula Ward


Construction of two replacement industrial units B2/B8/E with associated landscaping and using existing access.

Additional documents:




Consideration of this item was deferred at the request of the Head of Planning in order to address issues around noise and adjacent properties.


Planning application - MC/22/0901 Burnt Oak Primary School Richmond Road, Gillingham, Medway pdf icon PDF 553 KB

Gillingham North Ward


Variation of conditions 5 (operating hours) and 6 (lighting hours) of planning permission MC/18/1316 to extend the hours of use of the mini pitch on Monday to Friday from 18:00 to 19:00. The proposed new hours are 08:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 16:00 on Saturdays and be closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Additional documents:




The Head of Planning outlined the application in detail and explained the reasons why the application was being recommended for approval.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Cooper addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and outlined the following points in support of the application.


         Councillor Cooper had seen the mini pitch in use, and it was well used by many young people. 

         Noise will be kept to a minimum and it would staffed at all times.




Approved with conditions 1-4 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.


Planning application - MC/22/0923 44 High Street Chatham, Medway ME4 4DS pdf icon PDF 310 KB

River Ward


Variation of condition 2 (hours of opening) of prior approval MC/20/1644 - to extend the hours of business from 23:00 hours until 01:00 Thursday, 00:00 hours until 02:00 Friday and Saturday and Sunday from 21:00 hours until 00:00 (midnight) (Resubmission of MC/22/0081).

Additional documents:




Consideration of this application was deferred at the request of the Head of Planning in order to address concerns raised by the Environmental Health Team regarding the operation and noise disturbances.


Planning application - MC/22/0519 Land Adj To Hoath Lodge Chattenden Lane, Chattenden, Rochester pdf icon PDF 211 KB

Strood Rural Ward


Construction of 4x bedroom detached dwelling with associated parking and detached outbuilding to rear.

Additional documents:




The Head of Planning outlined the application in detail and explained the reasons why the application was being recommended for approval.




Approved with conditions 1-10 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.


Additional information - Presentation pdf icon PDF 6 MB