Venue: Meeting Room 2 - Level 3, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR. View directions
Contact: Peter Holland, Committee Co-ordinator
No. | Item |
· 2 March 2010 · 19 May 2010 (Joint Meeting of all Committees) Additional documents: Minutes: The records of the meetings held on 2 March 2010 and the Joint Meeting of all Committees held on 19 May 2010, were agreed and signed by the Chairman as correct. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Kenneth Bamber and Kemp. |
Declarations of interest (a) Personal interests under the Medway Code of Conduct.
A Councillor who declares a personal interest in a matter, including the nature of the interest, may stay, speak, and vote on the matter.
(b) Prejudicial interests under the Medway Code of Conduct.
A Councillor who declares a personal and prejudicial interest in a matter, including the nature of the interest, must withdraw from the room and take no part in the debate or vote on the matter.
Councillors who have declared a personal and prejudicial interest may make representations, answer questions and give evidence before leaving the room but only if members of the public are allowed to attend for the same purpose.
If an interest is not declared at the outset of the meeting, it should be disclosed as soon as the interest becomes apparent. Minutes: Tony Saroy, lawyer civil and criminal litigation, declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda item 5 as he has a relative who is a taxi driver and left the room during the deliberation on this item. |
Objections to Variation of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licence Fees PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Discussion:
The Business Development and Licensing Manager introduced a report that asked the Licensing and Safety Committee to consider objections received by the Council to the proposed variation to the table of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Licence Fees.
Members whilst accepting that there was a need to increase such fees noted that in future they would like more detailed figures in respect of the breakdown of the actual costs involved in this process.
The Committee considered the objection to the proposed variation to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Licence fees and decided not to amend the variation of fees. |
Sex Establishments and Sexual and Sexual Entertainment Venues PDF 87 KB Minutes: Discussion:
The Business Development and Licensing Manager presented a report that advised Members of the changes to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 introduced by the Policing and Crime Act 2009 in respect of Sexual Entertainment Venues and to recommend a way forward.
Members were advised of the three available options available that were set out in the report.
The Committee resolved that it was minded to recommend to Council adoption of the provisions but decided to defer actual referral until after a draft policy on operation of the licensing of sexual entertainment venues has been produced by officers and has been consulted upon. |