Agenda and minutes

Deputy Leader (Urgency Powers), Cabinet - Thursday, 23 August 2012

Contact: Wayne Hemingway/Anthony Law, Democratic Services Officers 

No. Item


HR Matter

This report, in the opinion of the Proper Officer, contains exempt information under paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, and, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption, outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.




This exempt report set out details of a claim against the Council.


The exempt report noted that the urgency provisions were set out in the Constitution (paragraph 3.2 of Part 3 (Responsibility for Cabinet functions) of Chapter 3 (Responsibility for Functions)), which enabled the Deputy Leader (in the absence of the Leader), to make urgent decisions.


The Chairman of the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee had agreed that the taking of these decisions could not be reasonably deferred, in accordance with Rule 16 (Special Urgency) of the Access to Information Rules (Part 2 of Chapter 4 in the Constitution).


Additionally and in line with rule 16.11 of Chapter 4, Part 5 of the Constitution, call-in could be waived where any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the Public’s interests. The Chairman of the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee had agreed that the decisions proposed were reasonable in all the circumstances and to them being treated as a matter of urgency and to waive call-in.


Decision number:




The Deputy Leader authorised the payment set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report.



The Deputy Leader agreed that this decision is considered urgent and therefore should not be subject to call-in.


The reasons are set out in paragraph 3 of the report.