Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 4 February 2003

No. Item


Capital Programme 2003/2004 and Beyond


55/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council the 2003/2004 capital budget proposal as set out in table 1 in the report.


LA21/EMAS - Review of Activity


see attached record of decisions (below)


Budget 2003/2004 - Revenue


50/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council adoption of the budget summarised at revised table 3 (attached to this record of decisions), amounting to £262.913m, and that this be financed by a 12.5% increase in Council tax.
51/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the projected overspend for 2002/2003 be financed by charging the overspend to reserves.
52/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the fees and charges set out at Appendix 5 apply as part of the budget proposals.
53/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Finance and Corporate Services be requested to calculate the formal requirements under Sections 32 and 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for resolution by special Council on 19 February 2003.
54/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council the creation of a 'Change Team' for so long as the objectives of the team, as set out at Appendix 4 to the report are met and, on the basis that costs are met by external funding sources and the team is to assist with meeting existent policy objectives, that recruitment to these posts be progressed immediately so as to enable the team to be in place by 1 April 2003 or as soon as possible thereafter.


Capital Monitoring Report 2002/2003


63/2003 The Cabinet noted the report.


Revenue Budget Monitoring - 2003/2004


62/2003 The Cabinet noted the report.


Health and Community Services - Change Team


Recruitment Freeze


49/2003 Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Development and Environment
(a) Transport and Development Plans Manager

Education and Leisure
(b) Health and Safety Contracts Officer
(c) Head of Sport and Leisure
(d) ICT Admin Assistant.


Best Value Review: Passenger Transport


59/2003 The Cabinet instructed officers to report back to Cabinet on 18 February 2003 with further information on the financial implications on the proposed options, such as the financial implications of meeting demand as set out in paragraph 4.2 of the report.
60/2003 The Cabinet agreed that a pilot trial on half fare travel for children be supported in principle as set out in paragraphs 4.7 and 4.8 in the report.
61/2003 The Cabinet agreed the proposed information strategy contained in Appendix 17 of the options report for consultation.


The Council's Housing Stock - Revenue and Capital Budgets 2003/2004


56/2003 The Cabinet recommended the following to Council for approval:(i) The adoption of the new staffing structure for the Estate Management Service set out in Appendix B1.(ii) The proposed Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2003/2004, inclusive of an average rent increase of £2.07 per week (based upon 50 collection weeks) and an increase in service charges of 3% set out in paragraph 4.2.1.(iii) The proposed increase in garage rent charges by 3%.(iv) The Housing Capital Budget be consolidated into two budget headings, Planned Maintenance and Disabled Adaptations.
57/2003 The Cabinet approved the following:(i) The extension of the Building Maintenance Term contract to 1 April 2004.(ii) A 100% stock survey be carried out, to meet the decent homes standard, by an in-house team of four, full time temporary surveyors over a 6 month period at a cost of £72,000 (option 4c in the addendum report), for the collection of stock condition data to meet the Decent Home Standard
58/2003 The Cabinet noted the performance measures and targets including those for management and maintenance costs per property.