Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 6 January 2009

No. Item


Performance Plan 2008/2009 - Mid Year Progress Report


Noted 1 The Cabinet noted the current performance against the Council's Critical Success Factors as indicated in the first half of 2008/09.
Noted 2 The Cabinet noted the comments made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees concerning performance.


Recruitment Freeze


10/2009 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:
Business Support
a) Business Systems Technician (Support)
b) Principal Auditor
c) Accounting Technician
d) Principal Accountant Finance Support.


Disposal of Various Property Assets


7/2009 The Cabinet agreed that Fitzthorold House, St Albans Close, Gillingham, is declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
8/2009 The Cabinet agreed that the land adjacent to 141 Laburnham Road, Strood, is declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to advertise its proposed disposal under s123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, to consider any objections and to determine whether to dispose of it (and if applicable) to dispose of the site at best consideration using delegated powers.
9/2009 The Cabinet agreed that the land adjacent to 34 Heathfield Close, Chatham is declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of housing and corporate services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.


Kent County Council Select Committee - High Speed 1 (CTRL) domestic rail services


1/2009 The Cabinet agreed to support the introduction of a formal working arrangement with Kent County Council to consider public transport issues.
2/2009 The Cabinet agreed to respond to the consultation on the Kent Route Utilisation Strategy when it is published early in 2009, taking into account overview and scrutiny's views at that time.


Black Lion Leisure Centre Car Park


3/2009 The Cabinet agreed, subject to decision 6/2009, to introduce Pay and Display as the method of implementing car parking charges at the Black Lion Leisure Centre and approve the works associated with the additional mesh protected car parking spaces.
4/2009 The Cabinet agreed, subject to decision 6/2009, to agree the principle of a refund system to the Black Lion Leisure centre users and delegated the operation of this to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture.
5/2009 The Cabinet agreed, subject to decision 6/2009, to adopt the car park fees and charges in 3.4 of the report and recommend this to Council.
6/2009 The Cabinet agreed to advertise the making of a Parking Order for the Black Lion Centre car park, including the grass verge area, in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996, and authorised the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture to consider any objections to the Order and to determine in the light of those objections whether to proceed with the making of the Order.