Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 3 June 2008

No. Item


Fundamental Review of Mental Health Services


122/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the draft commissioning agreement is taken forward into negotiations with Medway Primary Care Trust noting that once negotiations have been concluded that the agreement is brought back to the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further consideration prior to Cabinet and PCT approval.


Primary Schools Strategy for Change


124/2008 The Cabinet approved the Primary Strategy for Change in principle and authorised the Director of Children and Adults, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to make minor changes to the strategy prior to submission to the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF).


Beeching Cross Playing Fields Soccer/Tennis Academy


125/2008 The Cabinet supported the proposal to advertise the opportunity to develop an indoor tennis centre at Beechings Cross, Gillingham whilst ensuring the remainder of the site is retained for the use of football.
126/2008 The Cabinet authorised the Assistant Director (Housing and Corporate Services), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Services, to enter into the necessary legal agreements with the organisation that offers the best price for the development, and if necessary in reliance on its well being powers under Circular 06/03 (Local Government Act 1972 general disposal consent (England) 2003 subject to the necessary approvals from DCSF.


Recruitment Freeze


133/2008 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:
Business Support
a) Marketing Data Analyst
b) Direct and Digital Marketing Manager
c) Performance Managers x3
d) Strategic Procurement Manager
Children and Adults
e) Acting Principal Educational Psychologist
f) Bail and Remand Officer
g) Support Services Assistants X 9.5
Regeneration, Community and Culture
h) Area Contracts Officer
i) Greenspace Development Officer.


Award of Tenders - Public Transport Contract Renewals


134/2008 The Cabinet agreed the award of the transport contracts as set out in appendices A and B to the exempt report.
135/2008 The Cabinet agreed the changes to services shown in Appendix 2 to reduce the expected overspend on these services.


Award of Contract for Medway LiNK Host Organisation


136/2008 The Cabinet awarded the contract to Kent and Medway Networks, as identified in the exempt appendix to this report


Various Property Disposals


127/2008 The Cabinet declared the land at Railway Street, Gillingham as surplus and authorised its disposal but ensured that every effort is made to find alternative car parking.
128/2008 The Cabinet declares the Robin Hood Lane Car Park, Walderslade as surplus and authorised its disposal provided that no disposal of the site will take place until the toilet and recycling facilities are reprovided.
129/2008 The Cabinet declared the Jezreels Tower site, Gillingham as surplus and authorised its disposal but that 16 parking spaces be retained and be built into a new scheme on the site.
130/2008 The Cabinet agreed to dispose of 50% of the King Street Car Park area as shown on the attached plan, retaining the remainder for public parking.
131/2008 The Cabinet declared the land at the Broadway, Gillingham as surplus and authorised its disposal for older persons accommodation.
132/2008 The Cabinet authorised the Assistant Director (Housing and Corporate Services) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to dispose of the land declared surplus at Railway Street, Robin Hood Lane, Jezreels Tower, King Street and the Broadway at best consideration.