Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 13 May 2008

No. Item


Local Area Agreement 2008-2011


113/2008 The Cabinet accepted the recommendations from the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee, in particular amending appendix 3 to reflect the role of the Medway Youth Trust as a contributory partner.
114/2008 That Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council the amended version of appendix 3 circulated at the meeting indicating in bold where informal agreement had been reached with Government Office for the South East.
115/2008 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to complete the negotiation on those targets where informal agreement has yet to be reached in order that targets against all 35 indicators can be presented to Council on 28 May.
116/2008 The Cabinet endorsed the targets already set with the Department for Children Schools and Families for the 16 statutory targets relating to education and early years which will form part of the Local Area Agreement.
117/2008 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council the lead role and supporting role for the council as shown against a selection of indicators at appendix 4 of the report.
118/2008 The Cabinet endorsed the allocation of targets to portfolio holders and overview and scrutiny committees, as shown at appendix 4 of the report, and noted the Local Strategic Partnership thematic partnership which has responsibility in each area.


Race Equality Scheme


119/2008 The Cabinet approved the priorities in the Race Equality Scheme subject to outcomes of consultation, and agreed to authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Customer First and Corporate Services:
a) to consider the detailed action plan in light of consultation and to agree the reviewed list of functions and priorities and Diversity Impact Assessment timetable and;
b) to amend the race equality scheme as appropriate to meet the deadline of publication on 31 May 2008.


Appointment to Cabinet Advisory Groups


120/2008 The Cabinet reaffirmed the establishment of the Corporate Parenting Group, Local Development Framework Advisory Group and Procurement Board and the appointment of members to the bodies as set out in the report subject to the replacement of Councillor Mrs. Etheridge by Councillor Kemp on the Corporate Parenting Group and the addition of Councillor Janice Bamber on the Procurement Board.


Recruitment Freeze


121/2008 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:
Business Support Department
a) Principal Accountant - Social Care
Regeneration, Community and Culture
b) S106 Officer
c) Service Monitoring Officer
d) Development Plans and Research Manager
e) Customer System Co-ordinator.