Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 26 June 2007

No. Item


Irrecoverable Debt


123/2007 The Cabinet agreed to write off £245,057.59 of debt, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.


Recruitment Freeze


124/2007 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process: Business Support: a) Applications Support Technician. b) Assistant Solicitor (Planning and Environment).


Statement of Accounts


113/2007 The Cabinet noted the revenue and capital outturns as reported in sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the report.
114/2007 The Cabinet recommended to the Audit Committee that it approves the draft statement of accounts for 2006/2007.
115/2007 The Cabinet recommended to the Audit Committee the statement on internal control for signature and inclusion in the authority's annual accounts for the financial year 2006/2007.


Treasury Management Outturn Annual Report


122/2007 The Cabinet, in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice, noted the content and approved this report, particularly the impressive investment returns of the internal team.


Soccer Academy - Strood Leisure Centre


121/2007 The Cabinet approved the establishment of a new soccer academy at Strood Leisure Centre, subject to the approval by Council of £292,000 being added to the capital programme and allocated to this facility.


Medway Park Development


116/2007 The Cabinet supported the overall plan, as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report for the way forward for Project 1 of the development of Medway Park.
117/2007 The Cabinet approved the development timetable, as outlined in section 4 of the report, to ensure Medway maximises the opportunities in the build-up to 2012.
118/2007 The Cabinet supported the formation of a project board, chaired by the Director of Community Services, including the Portfolio Holder for Community Services, to manage the construction phases of these new developments.
119/2007 The Cabinet delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Corporate Services, in consultation with the Community Services Portfolio Holder, to finalise and complete the agreement with the University of Kent at Medway regarding their funding.
120/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council the allocation of £300,000 in the capital programme to enable the appointment of a dedicated project manager and the necessary professional consultants required to submit the scheme for planning consent and subsequently to deliver the scheme. This will be funded by £200,000 from partner contributions and £100,000 from capital receipts.


School Transport and Public Passenger Services Framework Agreements


125/2007 The Cabinet agreed the appointment of operators to framework agreements for use in awarding future routes to contractors.
126/2007 The Cabinet agreed the award of the transport contracts as set out in appendices A, B, C and D to the exempt report.
127/2007 The Cabinet agreed the changes to public transport services set out in the exempt report to contain the expected budget overspend.