Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 7 November 2006

No. Item


The Future of Eastgate House


213/2006 The Cabinet agreed the proposals for the restoration and development of Eastgate House as a major cultural and tourist facility, and for the project to be recognised as a key cultural regeneration project. This endorsement would allow the project to be prioritised as a key target within the Local Area Agreement and a milestone cultural project within the Regeneration Framework.
214/2006 The Cabinet approved a sum of £30,000 to be met from the existing capital programme to progress detailed design, architectural and technical work.
215/2006 The Cabinet supported in principle the allocation of £600,000 to the full capital cost of the project as part of the budget setting process, from the capital programme between 2007/2008 and 2009/2010, to be funded from potential capital receipts. This represented 15% of the estimated total cost of the project and would greatly assist the fundraising campaign. Other funding bodies would likely be the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Arts Council, DCLG and the Landmark Trust. The capital sum from Council would only be required if the full fund-raising programme was successful.


Disposal of Various Property Assets and Release of Covenants


219/2006 The Cabinet agreed that 236 The Tideway, Rochester be declared surplus and disposed of at best consideration, the Director of Finance and Corporate Services agreeing the terms of such disposal using delegated powers.
220/2006 The Cabinet agreed that land at Cross Street, Gillingham be declared surplus and disposed of at best consideration, the Director of Finance and Corporate Services agreeing the terms of such disposal using delegated powers.
221/2006 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to declare 55 Green Street, Gillingham surplus and thereafter dispose of 55 Green Street at the best consideration reasonably obtainable.
222/2006 The Cabinet agreed to the release/variation of the restrictive covenant on the land adjacent to 3 Wake Road, Rochester and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to negotiate and complete the release/variation for best consideration.
223/2006 The Cabinet agreed to the release/variation of the restrictive covenant on the land adjacent to 2 Rushdean Road, Strood and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to negotiate and complete the release/variation for best consideration.


Future of Strood Market


216/2006 The Cabinet noted the additional petition submitted at Council on 2 November 2006.
217/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to facilitate negotiations between the market operator and owners of the Safeway site for the relocation of the market.


Grounds Maintenance Contract


224/2006 The Cabinet agreed to award the corporate grounds maintenance contract to Quadron, as set out in the exempt appendix.


Consultation on School Admission Arrangements for September 2008


210/2006 The Cabinet approved the points, as outlined in section 4 of the report, to be included in the formal consultation.
211/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Transport Policy regarding School Transport for the Peninsula be reviewed.


Joint Area Review Action Plan


208/2006 The Cabinet approved the Joint Area Review Action Plan subject to consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders relating to resourcing issues and taking the implications of resourcing the delivery of the plan into account in the 2007/2008 budget setting process.


Recruitment Freeze


218/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following post, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to commence the recruitment process: a) Planning and Management Information Manager.


Regeneration Framework


209/2006 The Cabinet supported the priorities in the Regeneration Framework and the production of a finalised version for submission to the Department for Communities and Local Government, subject to priority 10 on p 66 of the agenda being amended to read


Gambling Act Policy


212/2006 The Cabinet recommended that Council approve the Gambling Policy attached at Appendix A to the report and the scheme of delegations at Appendix B to the report.