Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 18 July 2006

No. Item


Fundamental Review of Community Safety


137/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the roles of Medway Warden and Community Safety Street Team Officer be combined. These officers will be geographically based in teams that map directly onto the police geographical neighbourhood structure with separate tasking by each organisation, but close sharing of intelligence and coordinated problem solving. Routine highways inspections, waste contract monitoring, litter and environmental crime and parking will be undertaken by existing staff dedicated to these functions.
138/2006 The Cabinet agreed that a suitable title be given to the officers detailed above in order that it is clear and easily understood by the public.
139/2006 The Cabinet agreed that parking enforcement activities are separated from those of ward based community safety as their deployment is very different, and placed under the management of the traffic and parking service.
140/2006 The Cabinet supported, in relation to decisions 137/2005 and 139/2005, the reorganisation and noted that the Director of Regeneration and Development will undertake it under delegated authority.
141/2006 The Cabinet noted that the park rangers will remain under the management of Green Spaces.
142/2006 The Cabinet agreed that a performance monitoring and management regime is put in place within the Community Safety and the frontline task force to reflect the needs of the relevant targets contained within Corporate Performance Assessment, PSA2 and BVPI, as set out in Appendix C to the report.


Temple Waterfront Development Brief


143/2006 The Cabinet adopted the Temple Waterfront Development Brief, subject to the changes recommended in Appendix 2 of the report, as a Supplementary Planning Document to the Medway Local Plan 2003.


Change of Age Range, Swingate Infant School, Lordswood


145/2006 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children's Services to publish a public notice proposing a variation of the age range of Swingate Infant School to allow the admission of children aged three years with effect from January 2007.


Pentagon Centre Development Brief


144/2006 The Cabinet approved the Pentagon Centre Development Brief for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document.


Grant Application for 351 High Street, Rochester


163/2006 The Cabinet approved a Townscape Heritage Initiative grant, as set out in the exempt appendix for 351 High Street, Rochester.


Climate Change


155/2006 The Cabinet asked the Regeneration and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee to monitor the Council's progress on issues related to climate change with a view to reporting its findings to the Cabinet on an annual basis.
156/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to include sustainability assessments in all relevant reports to the Cabinet and Council committees to ensure that potential global impacts can be fully considered as part of the decision making process.
157/2006 The Cabinet noted the potential additional activities which the council could undertake, as listed in paragraph 5.5 of the report and which it is intended would be brought forward as and when opportunities occur.
158/2006 The Cabinet agreed, on behalf of the council, to authorise the signing of the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change at a suitable future public event.


Community Centres and Social Regeneration


149/2006 White Road - The Cabinet instructed officers to proceed with the development of a bid to the Big Lottery Fund


Sheltered Housing Schemes


146/2006 The Cabinet approved, with regard to Queens Court, Fitzhorold House and Shalder House, only moving tenants when accommodation becomes available that matches their requirements rather than en masse when a potential development partner has been identified subject to the comments set out in paragraph 8.3 of the report.
147/2006 The Cabinet noted the indicative timetable for the competitive tendering process, as set out in appendix 2 of the report, to secure a housing partner to redevelop and or replace Shalder House and Fitzthorold House with sheltered / extracare accommodation for older people.
148/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to investigate developing shared ownership accommodation for people with a disability on the Queens Court site or on part of the site, pending a development plan for improving services for people with a disability and report back to Cabinet in the autumn.


Recruitment Freeze


162/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:

Children's Services
a) YOT Information Officer

Community Services
b) Arts Marketing Assistant
c) Nursery Supervisor
d) Social Care Commissioning and Voluntary Sector Manager
e) Support Services Assistant (Mental Health)
f) Support Services Assistant (Older People)

Finance and Corporate Services
g) Information Analyst

Regeneration and Development
h) Various Highways Posts (see appendix to the report).


Revenue Budget Monitoring


159/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Children's and Community Services Directorates, in conjunction with the respective portfolio holders, be required to submit detailed action plans during the next monitoring cycle to address the overspend forecasts.


Acceptance of Tender - School Capital Project: Bligh Infant School, Strood


164/2006 The Cabinet awarded the contract to CH Keeble for the project on the terms set out in the exempt appendix.


Capital Budget Monitoring


160/2006 The Cabinet noted:
· Spend and commitments on the approved programme since 1 April 2006 to date amounted to approximately £28 million;
· Forecast spend during 2006/2007 as a whole amounted to £98 million and;
· The virement approved as detailed in section 7 of the report.

161/2006 The Cabinet recommended the proposed additions to the capital programme, described in section 6 to Council on 20 July 2006 for approval.