Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 14 March 2006

No. Item


Children and Young People's Plan (policy framework)


43/2006 The Cabinet noted the views of Overview and Scrutiny and recommended the Children and Young People's Plan to Council on 16 March 2006 for approval as part of the policy framework.


Critical Success Factors - Third Quarter


53/2006 The Cabinet noted the current performance against the Council's CSFs as indicated by the third quarter figures for this year.
54/2006 The Cabinet noted the comments made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees concerning the CSF performance and the Assistant Director's comments.


Recruitment Freeze


55/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable the Director of Community Services to commence the recruitment process:
Community Services
a) Client Financial Affairs Assistant
b) Assistant Arts Marketing Manager
c) Adult Protection Coordinator.


Acceptance of Tender: Supporting People Service for People with Learning Disabilities


56/2006 The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Community Services to award to MCCH, a support service contract for the reprovision of housing related support services for people with learning disabilities, for a period of up to 4 years commencing from 1 June 2006.


Medway Economic Development Statement


47/2006 The Cabinet approved the Medway Economic Development Statement and Action Plan for publication subject to the inclusion of the town centres to the strategic priorities set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report and within the plan.
48/2006 The Cabinet noted that the Medway Economic Development Statement provided a strategic direction for the Medway economy, and supported the principle that future policy documents from Medway Council should provide support to the aims within the strategy.
49/2006 The Cabinet noted the importance of Medway achieving sustainable economic growth, and recognised that the support of the Council may be required to deliver some projects within the action plan.
50/2006 The Cabinet agreed to revise the headline jobs growth figure for the Economic Development Statement to 40,000.


Joint Inspection of Older People's Services


51/2006 The Cabinet noted the findings and recommendations of the report on the Joint Inspection and endorsed the draft Action Plan shown at Appendix 1 to the report.
52/2006 The Cabinet agreed that a letter be sent to Phil Woolas MP, Minister for Local Government, regarding the burdens procedure given the current financial pressure facing Medway Council owing to the market inadequacies as set out in paragraph 6.4 of the report.


Medway Adult and Community Learning Service


44/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the Director of Community Services proceeding with the restructuring of the Medway Adult and Community Learning Service and undertaking formal consultation with staff and Trade Unions.
45/2006 The Cabinet noted the effect of the fees and charges increase, already agreed and approved the closure of the Woodlands Centre subject to further discussions with the Learning and Skills Council.
46/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to prepare a longer term paper considering the options for the future of the service over the next five years, looking at the opportunities for growing markets as well as reducing costs.