Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 31 January 2006

No. Item


Regional Economic Strategy (SEEDA)


20/2006 The Cabinet noted the key points in the consultation document.
21/2006 The Cabinet supported the key issues identified in the response of the Council to the consultation document.
22/2006 The Cabinet agreed for the response from the Council to be shared with partners at Kent and Medway Economic Board, Medway Economic Partnership (and the LSP), and KCC, to ensure a coherent sub-regional response.


Lordswood Leisure Centre


27/2006 The Cabinet agreed to provide the assistance set out in paragraph 3 of the addendum report.


Review of Contractor Select List


24/2006 The Cabinet approved the amendments to the Contract Select Lists as set out in paragraph 3.4 of the report.


LIFT Company Cooperation Agreement


23/2006 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Community Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, to complete the agreement when the issues identified in section 4 of the report are satisfactorily resolved.


Audit and Inspection Letter 2004/2005


18/2006 The Cabinet accepted the Audit and Inspection Letter and approved the suggested management response.


Capital Budget Monitoring


14/2006 The Cabinet noted:
·Spend and commitments on the approved programme since 1 April 2005 to date amounted to approximately £55 million
·Forecast spend during 2005/2006 as a whole amounted to £90 million
·The virements within the existing programme detailed in paragraph 7.1 of the report.
15/2006 The Cabinet approved the virements listed in paragraph 7.2 of the report to fund the proposed integrated children's service provision at the Redvers Centre and the neighbourhood youth projects.
16/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council for approval as an addition to the capital programme the overspending on the First Point of Contact Scheme, to be funded from capital receipts.
17/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council for approval the addition to the capital programme described in section 6 of the report.


Revenue Budget Monitoring


12/2006 The Cabinet noted the current forecast net overspend of £1m reflecting action taken to date.
13/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to achieve savings and income to eliminate the residual overspend, and contribute to the shortfall in the corporate savings target.


Recruitment Freeze


25/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Community Services
a) Senior Ranger
Finance and Corporate Services
b) Senior Lawyer.


Fundamental Review of Community Safety


19/2006 The Cabinet approved the scope of the review and referred it to Regeneration and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee which will conduct the review.


Fundamental Review of Community Safety