Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 6 September 2005

No. Item


Draft Waste Strategy


183/2005 The Cabinet agreed to consultation with residents, local businesses, local groups and representatives of the waste industry on the draft waste strategy and the results of independent research to support the information and recommendations given in the strategy.
184/2005 The Cabinet approved the content and programme of consultation as set out in section 6 of the report.


Recruitment Freeze


192/2005 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Development and Environment
a) Education Co-Ordinator
b) Senior Development Control Engineer

Health and Community Services
c) SSA Access & Information (Complaints)
d) Archive and Records Officer
e) Support Services Assistant Greatfield Lodge
f) Support Services Assistant Adaptations Service

Finance and Corporate Services

g) Principal Network Engineer
h) Network Engineer (Voice)
i) Network Engineer
j) Accountancy Assistant x 2.


Fairtrade in Medway


190/2005 The Cabinet endorsed the action plan to obtain Fairtrade status for Medway by March 2006.
191/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Council adopt the Fairtrade scheme with immediate effect.


Disposal of Land and Release of Covenants


193/2005 The Cabinet agreed to the variation/release of restrictive covenant on the land adjacent to the former highway land, between 32 and 34 Roosevelt Avenue, Chatham and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to negotiate and complete the disposal and variation/release for best consideration.
194/2005 The Cabinet agreed to the variation/release of the following restrictive covenants and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to negotiate and complete the variation/releases for best consideration:
(a) land at Winston Drive, Wainscott.
(b) land at Underdown Avenue, Chatham.
(c) land at Gerald Avenue, Chatham.


Medium Term Financial Plan


177/2005 The Cabinet endorsed the underlying aims of the Medium Term Financial Plan as set out in paragraph 4.5 of the report.
178/2005 The Cabinet endorsed the forecast of overall funding outlined in Section 7 of the report.
179/2005 The Cabinet agreed the indicative service control totals and overall budget requirement as indicated in Tables 2 and 3 of the report (noting that these would be recast into the new service directorates as the 2006/2007 budget setting process progressed).
180/2005 The Cabinet instructed portfolio holders and directors to identify savings and efficiencies to achieve a balanced budget for 2006/2007.
181/2005 The Cabinet instructed portfolio holders and directors to identify further savings and efficiencies to contribute to the £2.5m Gershon target.


Kent and Medway Structure Plan


185/2005 The Cabinet approved, on behalf of Medway Council, the draft response to the Examination in Public Panel Report recommendations and the draft proposed modifications to the policies of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan for approval for publication and consultation as set out in Annexes 1 - 5 to the report of 19 July and amended in appendix 2 to this report.
186/2005 The Cabinet approved, on behalf of Medway Council, the amended wording of policy TP25: Lydd Airport, for inclusion in the draft proposed modifications, and which is set out in appendix 3 to this report under the heading


Supporting People Contracts


189/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Health and Community Services be authorised to award to English Churches Housing Group a support service contract for the new the hostel and that it be exempt from the tendering process under contract rule 2 (b) (i).


Medway Community Plan Update


182/2005 The Cabinet approved the Community Plan Update.


Medway Youth Bus


187/2005 The Cabinet approved the proposal to operate a Youth Bus as set out in the report.
188/2005 The Cabinet approved the underwriting of the funding of the scheme by a virement of resources from funding allocated to the Yellow Bus initiative.