Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 17 May 2005

No. Item


Disposal of Various Property Assets


106/2005 The Cabinet agreed to the principle of the variation/release of the restrictive covenant in respect of the land adjacent to 6-8 Rookery Crescent, Cliffe and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to negotiate and complete the variation/release for best consideration.
107/2005 The Cabinet agreed to the principle of the variation/release of the restrictive covenant in respect of the land adjacent to 92 Valley View Road, Rochester and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to negotiate and complete the variation/release for best consideration.
108/2005 The Cabinet agreed to the principle of the variation/release of the restrictive covenant in respect of the land adjacent to 5 Dale Road, Rochester and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to negotiate and complete the variation/release for best consideration.
109/2005 The Cabinet declared the Marlborough Unit, Maidstone Road, Rainham surplus and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of the site for best consideration.
110/2005 The Cabinet declared 43 Napier Road, Gillingham surplus and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of the property for best consideration.
111/2005 The Cabinet declared the garages and land north of Kingsnorth Close, Hoo surplus and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of the property for best consideration.


Acceptance of Tender: Rochester Riverside


113/2005 The Cabinet agreed to appoint the favoured contractor and reserve contractor following the tender appraisal process as set out in the exempt appendix.
114/2005 The Cabinet agreed, in light of the need to undertake final clarification of items to be included within the contract and in order to resolve the issue relating to the Environmental Agency Licences, that the Director of Finance and Corporate Services in consultation with the Leader be delegated to approve the final contract sum.
115/2005 The Cabinet noted the work undertaken to maximise the value obtained from the Sustainable Communities Grant and agreed that a report covering the options be brought back to Members for further consideration in due course. The Cabinet agreed to negotiate with SEEDA and ODPM on funding the acquisition of the additional land identified in the report and the dismantling of the gas holders permitting one of these to be funded from the Council's ODPM allocation of £42m.
116/2005 The Cabinet agreed that given the good response to the OJEU Notice and the nature of the contract, the requirement in the Council's Contract rules to advertise in the trade press and locally be waived.
117/2005 The Cabinet approved the appointment of the contractor to undertake a limited package of works in advance of obtaining planning permission.
119/2005 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council the addition of the acquisition of the additional land, as set out in the exempt appendix, to the approved Capital Programme.


Medway Community Safety Plan (Policy Framework)


101/2005 The Cabinet recommended the Community Safety Plan to Council for approval as part of the policy framework.


Acceptance of Tender: Cash Collection Service


112/2005 The Cabinet agreed that Estate Security (Southern) Ltd is offered the contract for the cash collection service for three years commencing 1 September 2005, with the option to extend the contract for up to 24 months subject to satisfactory performance.


Recruitment Freeze


105/2005 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:

Development and Environment
a) Technical Assistant

Health and Community Services
b) SSA Elmsleigh Community Mental Health Care
c) SSA Enhanced Care Unit
d) Home Ownership Assistant
e) Stock Condition Surveyor
f) Support Services Supervisor

Education and Leisure
g) Primary Key Skills Admin Officer (maternity Cover)
h) Key Stages 3/4 Admin Officer.


School Places for Three Year Olds - Impact Assessment


102/2005 The Cabinet agreed that an impact assessment following the terms of reference set out in section 4 of the report be carried out, including a CRE race equality assessment, and that a report containing policy recommendations be brought to a meeting of Cabinet in September 2005.
103/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to publish a public notice stating the intention to vary the age range of Thames View Infant School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years.
104/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to publish a public notice stating the intention to vary the age range of Warren Wood Primary School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years.