Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 1 February 2005

No. Item


Contract Rules Change


26/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA) are added to the list of approved consortia for the purposes of Contract Rule 7(a)(iii).


Future Sports Facility Management


12/2005 The Cabinet agreed in principle to the direction of leisure facility management as outlined in paragraph 3.14 of the report.
13/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Council continues to provide leisure facility management in-house at the present time but commissions consultant's advice to undertake a comprehensive, objective and fundamental evaluation of each of the options set out in section 5 of the report. The outcomes of this evaluation should be reported to Members within 3 months.
14/2005 Black Lion - The Cabinet instructed officers to produce a business plan to develop the Black Lion Centre. Within that business plan there are to be options to include partnership working. The business plan and potential income streams are to be tested with external financial consultants and reported to Members within 3 months.
15/2005 Stirling Centre - The Cabinet instructed officers to continue negotiations with the Professional Tennis Registry and the Lawn Tennis Association to attract investment to the Stirling Centre using the LTA grant and 0% loan scheme and bring fully costed proposals to a future Cabinet meeting.
16/2005 Splashes - The Cabinet instructed officers to instigate cessation of the contract with Courtesy Leisure at the end of the contractual period 31 March 2006 and to begin to integrate operational systems for handover on 1 April 2006 for interim internal management to commence.
17/2005 The Strand -

(a) The Cabinet instructed officers to bring forward a proposal for the Strand area and to have informal discussions with housing developers and partners to investigate funding opportunities.

(b) The Cabinet instructed officers to bring forward a separate paper on the development of an integrated watersports facility for the Strand area.
18/2005 Chatham - The Cabinet instructed officers to investigate the potential to develop integrated community facilities as part of Chatham redevelopment and social regeneration.
19/2005 Hoo Peninsula - The Cabinet instructed officers to work with developers to ensure that the appropriate facility development takes place as housing growth ensues in the longer term.
20/2005 The Cabinet agreed that further work be undertaken to assess the need for additional sports facilities in the South and East of Medway.


Budget Monitoring Revenue - 2004/2005


21/2005 The Cabinet noted the current forecast overspend of £645,000 and endorsed the proposed action taken in achieving this figure.
22/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to continue to achieve savings to eliminate the residual overspend.


Recruitment Freeze


27/2005 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Education and Leisure
a) Property Assistant
b) School Organisation Assistant
c) School Organisation Manager
d) General Advisor Primary
e) PA to Director of Education and Leisure

Health and Community Services
f) PA to Assistant Director, Children & Families

Development and Environment
g) Outreach Worker (Sustainable Communities)
h) PCVD1 Instructor.


Budget Monitoring 2004/2005 - Capital


23/2005 The Cabinet noted that spending on the approved programme since 1 April 2004 amounted to approximately £32m and that the forecast spend during 2004/2005 as a whole amounted to £64m. The Cabinet also noted the proposed use of capital resources available to fund the programme, as referred to in table 2 of the report.
24/2005 The Cabinet recommended to Council the adoption of the schemes set out in section 7 of the report.
25/2005 The Cabinet approved the virement set out in paragraph 8.2 of the report, and noted the virement to fund the excess demand for Disabled Facilities Grants as set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report.