Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 14 December 2004

No. Item


Greenspaces Review


451/2004 The Cabinet endorsed the appointment of a new greenspace manager (to fill a vacant post).
452/2004 The Cabinet agreed to make interim and longer term improvements to the standard of management of greenspaces by more effective use of existing resources.
453/2004 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to co-ordinate the various greenspaces contracts and prepare tenders for a common contract start date in 2006, establishing a team to do this work under the new manager and allowing for both private sector and in-house bids.
454/2004 The Cabinet agreed to the establishment of a ranger service (at a cost of £470,000 per annum) (option two of the report) across all parks to provide a security, contract monitoring, educational and minor jobs service (e.g. litter scavenging) in the urban parks and open spaces, as part of the budget setting process.
455/2004 The Cabinet instructed officers to test the feasibility of attracting external partners to enhance revenue at the Country Parks through advert and a formal procurement process.
456/2004 The Cabinet agreed to retain the plant production facility at Cozenton, enhanced by the Skills for Life project and to explore all opportunities for additional and future funding.
457/2004 The Cabinet agreed to close the vehicle workshop and instructed officers to make alternative arrangements for the services provided.


Local Development Scheme


458/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Council prepare a core strategy, a housing and mixed use site specific development plan document and a reduced number of Supplementary Planning Documents instead of a full set of documents as originally intended.
459/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Local Development Scheme as redrafted be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate prior to submission to GOSE for approval.
460/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, be authorised to make minor amendments to the Local Development Scheme.


Social Services - Annual Review Letter


448/2004 The Cabinet noted the conclusions of the Annual Performance Review of the Council's Social Services function.
449/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the actions detailed in the body of the report be progressed within the Health and Community Services directorate, in partnership with other directorates of the Council and other agencies.
450/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Social Care Commission is invited to re-inspect Children's Services in 2005 in an effort to improve the Council's star-rating, as well as other inspections which are planned by CSCI in their regular programme.


Recruitment Freeze


466/2004 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:

Development and Environment
a. Contract Services Manager
b. Contract Officer

Finance and Corporate Services
c. Financial Support - PA/Support Officer.


Acceptance of Tenders: Provision of Residential Care for Adults with a Learning Disability


467/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Health and Community Services be delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Community Services and the Director of Finance and Corporate Services, to progress and award contracts to the preferred providers following Council's approval of the 2005/06 budget.


Provisional Local Government Settlement 2005/2006


446/2004 The Cabinet noted the provisional settlement figures as part of the budget setting process.
447/2004 The Cabinet instructed officers to work with Members to make all necessary representations to government regarding the settlement.


School Places for Three Year Olds


461/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to initiate public consultation on the variation of the age range of Bligh Infant School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years.
462/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to initiate public consultation on the variation of the age range of Delce Infant School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years.
463/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to initiate public consultation on the variation of the age range of Thames View Infant School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years.
464/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to initiate public consultation on the variation of the age range of Warren Wood Primary School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years.
465/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to publish a public notice stating the intention to vary the age range of St Mary's Primary School, Strood, to allow the admission of children aged 3 years with effect from September 2006.