Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 30 November 2004

No. Item


Lamp Posts in Park Avenue, Gillingham


440/2004 The Cabinet instructed officers to remove the modern lamp posts in Park Avenue, Gillingham and replace them with ones in keeping with a conservation area.


Implementing Electronic Government Statement 4 (IEG4)


437/2004 The Cabinet approved the IEG4 Statement for submission to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister by 20 December 2004.


Acceptance of Tender - Housing Repairs and Maintenance Contract


443/2004 The Cabinet agreed to accept the bid from Botes Building Ltd as the Council's measured term contractor for repairs to the housing stock for a period of one year from 1 April 2005 with the potential to extend the contract for a further year.
444/2004 The Cabinet agreed to accept Springrove PM plc as back up contractor.
445/2004 The Cabinet agreed to give delegated authority to the Director of Health and Community Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Community Services, to extend the contract for a further year (between 1 April 2006 - 31 March 2007) providing all areas of performance are satisfactory.


Supporting People Contracts


438/2004 The Cabinet agreed to waive contract rules to allow that where the criteria set out in paragraph 7.6 of the report are met, the Director of Health and Community Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Community Services, be given delegated powers to award new Supporting People contracts with the current contractors for contract terms not exceeding 4 years.


Audit of the Statement of Accounts - 2003/2004


427/2004 The Cabinet noted the issues raised by PWC and the proposed actions and responses as summarised in the report.
428/2004 The Cabinet recommended to Council the changes to the Statement of Accounts as set out in paragraphs 5.3 and 7.1 of the report and reflected in the amended sections of the Statement of Accounts set out at Appendix 2 to the report.
429/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the changes to the HRA and accounting for depreciation be adopted in the preparation of the 2004/2005 Statement of Accounts.
430/2004 That Cabinet agreed to the continuance of current policies for the accrual of salary costs and the provision for claims liabilities.


Budget Monitoring 2004/2005 - Capital


434/2004 The Cabinet noted that spending on the approved capital budget amounted to approximately £26m and noted the proposed use of capital resources to fund the programme as referred to in table 2 in the report.
435/2004 The Cabinet recommended to Council the adoption of all the new schemes listed in section 7 of the report.
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Budget Monitoring 2004/2005 - Revenue


431/2004 The Cabinet noted the current forecast overspend of £297,000 and endorsed directors' action to achieve this figure.
432/2004 The Cabinet instructed directors to continue to achieve savings to eliminate the residual overspend.
433/2004 The Cabinet endorsed the setting of a licence fee of £500 per annum to permit the year-round sale of fireworks as indicated in paragraph 5.3 of the report.


Recruitment Freeze


441/2004 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Chief Executive's
a) Head of Member Services and Elections

Health and Community Services
b) Housing Strategy and Development Officer
c) Housing Strategy and Development Manager
d) Senior Housing Strategy and Development Officer
e) Environmental Housing Technician
f) Private Sector Housing Team Manager.


Revenue Budget 2005/2006


423/2004 The Cabinet agreed to forward the provisional draft budget and summary business plans to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined.


2005/2006 Capital Programme


424/2004 The Cabinet agreed, subject to the capital settlement, to endorse the core programme summarised in table 2 within the report.
425/2004 The Cabinet noted the critical schemes, which are currently not funded, in table 3 within the report.
426/2004 The Cabinet agreed to forward the provisional draft capital budget to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined in the report.


Fundamental Review of Exclusions


436/2004 The Cabinet approved the scope for the fundamental review of exclusions from schools as set out in the report.


Taxis In Bus Lanes


439/2004 The Cabinet approved the continuation of the scheme to allow licensed taxis which meet the agreed identification criteria, as designated in the Traffic Regulation Order, to use the bus lane on Chatham Hill and the contra flow 'bus lane' across Sir John Hawkins Flyover.