Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 9 November 2004

No. Item


Bishopsbourne Green, Gillingham


421/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the development of Bishopsbourne Green be considered during the budget setting process against other priorities and that officers also investigate the feasibility of funding this in the future from the Liveability Fund.


Recruitment Freeze


422/2004 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community Services
a) Support Service Assistant (SSA) - Youth Offending Team
b) Senior Accountant x 2
c) SSA - Children and Families, Gillingham
Development and Environment
d) Senior Conservation Officer
e) Senior Urban Design Officer
f) Business Development and Projects Officer
Education and Leisure
g) Transport and Benefits Manager
h) Admissions and Benefits Manager
i) Medway Disability Sports Coach
j) Assistant Sports Development Officer.


School Admissions Arrangements


417/2004 The Cabinet approved the following points, as outlined in section 4 of the report, to be included in the formal consultation:
a) Removal of a separate scheme of secondary education for the Hoo area
b) Options for changing the timetable for the secondary transfer process.


Review of Properties in Rochester


409/2004 First Point of Contact

The Cabinet agreed that the Rochester 'One-Stop-Shop' is located at 95 High Street.
410/2004 Registry Office

The Cabinet agreed that:
a) The Registry Office is relocated from its existing location in Maidstone Road, Chatham to the ground floor of the Corn Exchange, with the creation of a new garden to the rear and vehicle set-down facility.
b) The existing Registry Office and any remaining land or development rights to the rear of the Corn Exchange is declared surplus and sold for best consideration with the whole of the receipts returned to reserves.
411/2004 Dickens Tourist Attraction

The Cabinet instructed officers to develop a business case for a new Dickens tourist attraction to be located in the centre of Rochester and report to Cabinet by 1 February 2005.
412/2004 Rochester Library Move

The Cabinet agreed to move the Library to the Adult Education Centre following the consultation proposed in the report, with an expected opening date for the new library of 9 May 2005.
413/2004 Eastgate House

The Cabinet instructed officers to explore the future of Eastgate House, drawing on its unique history and links with the Dockyard, ensuring the building's unique status in Medway is properly utilised in the future and report to Cabinet by 15 March 2005.
414/2004 Consultation

The Cabinet instructed officers to undertake appropriate consultation, as outlined in the report, with staff, stakeholders and service users regarding the Cabinet's recommendations.
415/2004 Delegation

The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to consider the outcome of the consultation processes, finalise the detailed proposals and implement the decisions.
416/2004 Recommendation to Council

The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that a total of £804,000 be included in the capital programme to fund the phase 1 proposals set out within the report, to be met from reserves noting that the capital receipt gained from the sale of the Registry Office in Maidstone Road, Chatham will be used to replenish the Council's reserves.


Grange Farm Development Brief


420/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the development brief for Grange Farm be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), subject to no objections being received from the consultation bodies under the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004.


Licensing Policy


418/2004 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 9 December 2004 the approval of the licensing policy statement, attached at Appendix A to the report, and the scheme of delegations at Appendix B to the report.
419/2004 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the Licensing Policy include an amendment to the policy adopted by Medway Council in 1998 in relation to Amusement with Prizes Machines as follows:
(i) The Council will normally grant a permit for 1 machine for Taxi Offices, Pool Halls, Restaurants, Cafes, Snack Bars, Fish and Chip Shops, Hot Food Takeaways and other premises where prepared food and drink is sold for consumption on or off the premises without the need for a hearing.
(ii) Applications for permits for Launderettes, Hairdressing Establishments and Retail Stores will not be granted.