Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 19 October 2004

No. Item


Strood Riverside


404/2004 Cabinet authorised officers to undertake the detailed site investigations and design for land remediation and flood defences as considered appropriate.
405/2004 Cabinet authorised officers to acquire by agreement as many of the remaining smaller parcels of land as possible within the existing capital allocation, as set out in paragraph 8.1.2 of the report.
406/2004 Cabinet authorised officers to negotiate development agreements with those major landowners willing to join with the Council in securing the site's comprehensive regeneration.
407/2004 Cabinet authorised officers to undertake the necessary consultation and prepare a draft Development Brief for the site for future approval and adoption as supplementary planning guidance.
408/2004 Cabinet instructed officers to consult with the portfolio holders for Finance and Planning and Economic Development throughout the process to keep them fully appraised of developments.


Conservation Area Appraisals


396/2004 Cabinet agreed to adopt the Conservation Area Appraisals for New Road, Chatham, Upnor, Upper Bush and Maidstone Road Chatham Conservation areas as set out in appendices 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the report.
397/2004 Cabinet agreed to authorise the extension of the boundaries of New Road Chatham and Upnor Conservation areas and the creation of a new Conservation area at Maidstone Road, Chatham as set out in appendices 1, 2 and 4 of the report.
398/2004 Cabinet agreed to make a Direction under Article 4(2) of the General Permitted Development Order (1995) to withdraw specified permitted development rights relating to specified dwelling houses and their curtilages within the Upnor, New Road, Chatham and Upper Bush Conservation areas as set out in appendix 5 of the report.
399/2004 Cabinet agreed that a Development Brief should be produced for the Lower Upnor Depot and surrounding area and this would be reported back to Cabinet for approval in due course.


Land at Compass Close, Rochester


400/2004 The Cabinet, having considered the petition, representations from members of the public and reports from Overview and Scrutiny, recommended to Council that the previous decision be upheld.


Recruitment Freeze


402/2004 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Education and Leisure
a) Child Protection Coordinator
b) Arts Development Officer
Health and Community Services
c) Contracts Administrator.


Release of Restrictive Covenants on Land Adjacent to Alamein Avenue, Chatham


401/2004 The Cabinet agreed to enter into an agreement to release the restrictive covenants in exchange for a consideration set out in the exempt appendix plus costs.