Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 29 June 2004

No. Item


Scrutiny Review of Libraries


The Cabinet noted the findings of the Scrutiny Review of Libraries as set out in paragraph 4 of the report.


Rochester Riverside Development Brief, Masterplan and Planning Applications


The Cabinet approved the responses to comments received on the development brief and the recommended amendments in Appendix 1 and agreed to adopt the development brief for Rochester Riverside as supplementary planning guidance

The Cabinet approved the indicative masterplan and key land uses, subject to SEEDA's similar agreement, as the basis of an outline planning application to be submitted by both parties.

The Cabinet approved, subject to SEEDA's agreement, the submission by both parties of a planning application for flood defence, ground remediation and land raising.

The Cabinet agreed that the Contract rules be waived to permit the Assistant Director of Legal and Contract Services to procure the services of external legal advisors to provide support on the Rochester Riverside project if required without a full tendering process providing that quotations are sought from at least 6 firms of solicitors with sufficient standing and experience in the required work areas.

The Cabinet agreed that officers examine ways to maximise parking availability within the indicative masterplan in line with the Council's policy and government guidelines on the level of parking provision for new developments.

The Cabinet agreed that a Community Centre be included in the list of facilities for the development.


Recruitment Freeze


The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable the Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Education and Leisure
a) Teacher Recruitment Assistant
Finance and Corporate Services
b) Trainee Solicitor.


Play Area Procurement


The Cabinet approved the establishment of a framework agreement until 31 March 2006 for the provision of play area equipment and safety surfacing, with the following companies:
· A S & A Leisure
· Hags Play Ltd (supply of safety surfacing only)
· Kompan UK
· Lappset UK Ltd
· Park Leisure
· Russell Leisure
· SMP (Playgrounds) Ltd
· Wicksteed Leisure.


School Places for three year olds, Napier Primary School, Gillingham


The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Education and Leisure to initiate public consultation on the variation of the age range of Napier Community Primary School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years.

The Cabinet agreed that following consultation a report be submitted back to Cabinet.


Local Transport Plan Annual Progress Report and Review


The Cabinet authorised the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Highways and Transport to:
(a) produce an Annual Progress Report in accordance with the bid set out in this report and having regard to government guidance
(b) submit the Annual Progress Report to government within the statutory timescales set out in the report
(c) review the Local Transport Plan and carry out the proposed methods of consultation in accordance with the processes described in this report and to report the outcome to Cabinet in due course.

The Cabinet agreed the provisional amendments to the reporting targets as set out in the report for the remainder of the Local Transport Plan period.


Additions to the Capital Programme 2004/2005


The Cabinet noted the report and recommended to Council that the new schemes detailed in Appendix A be included in the capital programme.
The Cabinet agreed to formally authorise expenditure against this approved programme.


Acceptance of Tenders: School and Public Transport


The Cabinet accepted the tenders as detailed in appendices A and B and paragraph 7.3 of the report, as amended by the recommendation referring to appendix B in the addendum paper.
The Cabinet approved the use of conventional British coaches (painted yellow) for the


Liveability Fund


The Cabinet agreed that, subject to Council approving the additions to the capital programme, the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Frontline Taskforce, Highways and Transport and Community Safety and Enforcement be authorised to:
a) progress the programme
b) consult with the community in the three bid areas to develop proposals for service improvement and projects for physical improvement.
The Cabinet endorsed the recruitment to the posts fully funded by the Liveability Fund grant to deliver the programme by the Director of Development and Environment under delegated powers.


Services in Rochester


The Cabinet agreed to move Rochester Library to the Dickens Complex and the development of a Writing and Literacy Centre with work to commence on 1 November 2004 and recommended to Council to provide the required additional investment of £130,150.

The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to undertake full public consultation with immediate effect.

The Cabinet agreed the Overview and Scrutiny recommendation as set out in paragraph 4.4, and instructed officers to undertake a wider review of Council owned premises in Rochester.

The Cabinet agreed that the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture be consulted on the development and be informed of progress at all times.


External Audit Plan 2004/2005


The Cabinet accepted PWC's audit plan and work programme 2002/2004 and the scope of work reflected in PWC's audit plan 2004/2005.


Provision of Adult Services


The Cabinet accepted the tenders for the provision of Day Services to older people, on the terms set out in the exempt appendix, as follows:-
(i) Age Concern Chatham
(ii) Age Concern Gillingham
(iii) Age Concern Medway
(iv) St Nicholas Day Care Centre, Strood
(v) K Ying Chinese Elderly Association - Culturally sensitive day care for older people
(vi) Welcome Day Centre - Culturally sensitive day care for older people.

The Cabinet accepted the tenders for the provision of services to carers, on the terms set out in the exempt appendix, as follows:-
(i) Crossroads Rochester
(ii) Crossroads Gillingham and Chatham
(iii) Carers' Relief Service - Support to carers for people with learning disabilities
(iv) Medway Carers' Centre - Princess Royal Trust for Carers
(v) KCHT (Homes Service).

The Cabinet accepted the tenders for the provision of services for people with a sensory disability, on the terms set out in the exempt appendix, as follows:-
(i) Kent Association for the Blind - Visual assessment, rehabilitation and equipment
(ii) Hi Kent - Hearing impairment
(iii) Royal Association for the Deaf - Sign interpreting service.


Arrangement for the Maintenance and Management of the Medway Tunnel


The Cabinet agreed to give delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to:
(a) Enter into a contribution agreement, which ensures:
(i) that the Trust contributes towards the running costs of the tunnel; and
(ii) that the Trust pays the Council a sum, as set out in paragraph 6.1 of the report, as a contribution towards the running costs of the tunnel between 1 April 1999 and 31 March 2003.
(b) Grant an option agreement, which will allow the Trust to acquire the freehold of the western control room (and surrounding land) and rights to use the eastern service chamber.


Draft Statement of Accounts 2003/2004


The Cabinet noted the revenue and capital outturns as set out in the report.

The Cabinet recommended to Council that it approves the draft statement of accounts 2003/2004.

The Cabinet recommended to Council that it approves the determinations under Part IV of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 for the financial year ended 31 March 2004 as set out in appendix 2 of the report.