Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 8 June 2004

No. Item


Variation of Covenant: Strood


The Cabinet agreed to vary the restrictive covenants contained in the transfers of land at Knight Road, Strood to allow the land to be used for uses within classes B1, B2 and B8 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order) 1987 for the consideration set out in the report.


Treasury Management Annual Report


The Cabinet noted the content and approved the report, in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice.
The Cabinet recommended to Council that Treasury Management Practice (TMP) No. 4 be amended to allow investment in the newly approved instruments.
The Cabinet recommended to Council that TMP 4 is amended to give the Director of Finance and Corporate Services delegated authority in the future to invest in all instruments approved by the ODPM.
The Cabinet recommended to Council that Treasury Management Practices are amended to provide for separate lending limits for the Council and Fund Managers to run concurrently. These individual lending limits to be set at the current rates.


Location of Will Adams Pupil Referral Unit


The Cabinet agreed option 7 (relocation of the Will Adams Pupil Referral Unit to the Woodlands Youth Centre) as its preferred option and agreed to recommend that Council allocates capital funding for option 7 when it determines the allocation of the additional education basic need capital funding.


Award of Contract: First Point of Contact


The Cabinet endorsed the recommendations of the Finance and Performance Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Cabinet approved the agreement for First Point of Contact with Deloitte.
The Cabinet agreed the release of capital and revenue, as set out in the report, to take the programme forward.
The Cabinet noted the programme management arrangements set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report.
The Cabinet delegated any necessary contract finalisation details to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Front Line Task Force Portfolio Holder.


Land at Priestfields Nursury, Rochester


The Cabinet agreed the detailed terms as set out in the report for the acquisition of additional rights.


Acceptance of Tender: School Cleaning Contract


The Cabinet approved the award of a 3 year contract, with the option to extend for up to 24 months at the discretion of the Council, to Steadfast Cleaning Company Ltd, for the provision of cleaning services in 23 schools on the terms set out in the report.
The Cabinet approved the award of a 3 year contract, with the option to extend for up to 24 months at the discretion of the Council, to Grade One Commercial Cleaning Services Ltd, for the provision of cleaning services in 12 schools on the terms set out in the report.
The Cabinet approved the award of a 3 year contract, with the option to extend for up 24 months at the discretion of the Council, to Grade One Commercial Cleaning Services Ltd, for the provision of cleaning services in Woodies Youth Centre and the Mulberry Centre, on the terms set out in the report.
The Cabinet approved the award of a 3 year contract, with the option to extend for up to 24 months at the discretion of the Council, to Steadfast Cleaning Company Ltd, for the provision of cleaning services in 3 adult education establishments, on the terms set out in the report.


Review of Primary School Places in Rochester Borstal Area


The Cabinet recommended to Council to approve the new option of creating a single form of entry Church of England all through primary school and new joint community and school sports and recreational facilities, on the Borstal Playing Field site, and authorise statutory notices to be published.
The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Education and Leisure to submit a planning application to bring forward the proposal outlined above provided all necessary approvals are obtained following the issue of the statutory notices.


Recruitment Freeze


The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the Head of Highways post, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable the Director of Development and Environment to commence the recruitment process.


Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles


The Cabinet recommended to Council that hackney carriage and private hire drivers' licenses be extended from one to three years.


Youth Service Review (Overview and Scrutiny Review)


Please see Record of Decisions


Acceptance of Tender: Building Surveys


The Cabinet agreed to accept the tender return from Asbestos Consultants to the Environment Ltd (ACE), on the terms set out in the report, for completion over five financial years between 2004 and 2009.
The Cabinet delegated authority to the Director of Health and Community Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to accept the associated


Medway Council's Performance Plan (policy framework)


The Cabinet agreed to accept the recommendations from the Finance and Performance Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee and also agreed to the following additional text regarding the Channel Tunnel Rail Link: