Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 2 September 2003

No. Item


Land at Compass Close and The Tideway, Rochester


This item was withdrawn


Office Accomodation


270/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that this matter be progressed as set out in paragraph 7.1 of the report.


Medium Term Financial Strategy


246/2003 The Cabinet endorsed the new financial strategy aims as set out in section 3.9 of the report
247/2003 The Cabinet noted the financial forecast for 2005/2008 as set out in section 6 of the report.
248/2003 The Cabinet noted the future budget forecasts and council tax levels presented in the report.


Public Library Position Statement


252/2003 The Cabinet agreed the Public Library Position Statement.


Release of Restrictive Covenant, Priestfields, Rochester


261/2003 The Cabinet agreed to release the covenants on the terms set out in paragraph 8.1 (i) of the report.
262/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the land be declared surplus to requirements to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
263/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that this scheme be added to the approved Capital Programme.


Purchase of ICT Licences


271/2003 The Cabinet agreed for the purchase of the ICT licenses via the OGC agreement as set out in paragraph 9.1 of the report.


Renewal of Lease - Rochester Airfield


272/2003 The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to use delegated powers to negotiate and grant a new lease of Rochester Airfield on the same principal terms as present for 18 months.
273/2003 The Cabinet instructed officers to commence discussions with Rochester Airport plc forthwith, in order to negotiate future arrangements for the site and to make regular updates on progress to the relevant portfolio holder.


Disposal of Various Property Assets


264/2003 The Cabinet agreed to declare land at Magpie Hall Road, Chatham as surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
265/2003 The Cabinet agreed to declare land and property at Frindsbury Road, Strood as surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers on the terms set out at paragraph 7.1.2 in the report.
266/2003 The Cabinet agreed to declare land and property at London Road, Strood as surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers on the terms set out at paragraph 7.1.3 in the report.
267/2003 The Cabinet agreed to declare land and garages at Witham Way, Strood as surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
268/2003 The Cabinet agreed to declare land and property at Laker Road, Rochester as surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
269/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that land and property at Courteney Road, Gillingham be declared surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.


Select Committee Report - CTRL Freight Services


The Cabinet agreed the recommendations of the Joint Select Committee on CTRL freight services.


Alleygating Partnership Project


254/2003 The Cabinet instructed officers to develop and adopt two new measures as further detailed in the report in order to enhance the effectiveness of the alley gating partnership project; and undertake the proposed additional actions, as follows:a) Carry out short and medium and terms actions in accordance with the plan as detailed in Appendix B of the report,b) Adopt and implement the selection criteria to enable priority cases to be dealt with and to clear the backlog of cases, andc) Produce Self Help Packs for Private and Public alleyways to enable greater community involvement, and to free up Officer time to deal with priority cases and provide advice on legal issues and the consultation process.
255/2003 The Cabinet agreed that due to the significant concerns associated with the preparation for and the adoption of the powers under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, that the Council does not make an application under schedule 6 of the Act for the designation of any high crime areas at this time.
256/2003 The Cabinet agreed that an additional full time member of staff be recruited to work towards clearing the backlog of alleygating cases as set out at paragraph 5 of the report.
257/2003 The Cabinet agreed that this new post be initially filled on a six month contract to be funded from within the Community Safety budget. This post will be reviewed after four months with a view to making this a permanent post as part of the 2004/2005 budget setting process.


Best Value: Somewhere to Live Options report


249/2003 The Cabinet agreed the key recommendations (1-15) of the Best Value Somewhere to Live report (see attached record of decisions)

250/2003 The Cabinet agreed an initiative suggested by 'Relate' to tackle homelessness be considered by officers (when full information has been received) including identification of any costs which may be incurred in supporting such a scheme.
251/2003 The Cabinet agreed recommendation 10, subject to this being determined prior to any investment in the housing stock being made, other than that required to meet the decent homes standard.


Recruitment Freeze


258/2003 The Cabinet agreed to the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community Services
a) Property Surveyor b) Voluntary Sector Grants and Contracts Senior Manager c) Contracts Administrator

Education and Leisure
d) Accountancy Assistant e) Personnel Officer f) Research Officer


Medway Innovation Centre


260/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the Medway Innovation Centre proposals be progressed as set out in paragraphs 9.1 and 9.2 of the report.