Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 13 May 2014 3.00pm

Venue: Civic Suite - Level 2, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham ME4 4TR. View directions

Contact: Wayne Hemingway/Anthony Law, Democratic Services Officers 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


There were none. 


Record of decisions pdf icon PDF 110 KB


The record of the meeting held on 8 April 2014 was agreed and signed by the Leader as correct. 


Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Disclosable pecuniary interests


There were none.


Other interests


Councillor Filmer declared an interest in agenda item 9 (Transfer of Grounds Maintenance Services to Medway Norse) because he was a Director of Medway Norse. He chose to leave the room during consideration and determination of this item.


Review of Health Inequalities - In-depth Task Group Report pdf icon PDF 10 MB




This report presented the final report of the Review of Health Inequalities in Medway In-depth Task Group, which had been established by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The focus of this review had been Health Inequalities across Medway wards and how to direct investment where it was most needed.


It was noted that the Task Group had met with a cross section of service managers, working for the Council and key stakeholders, to establish standards of working across Medway. A summary of the evidence was set out in Appendix 3 to the review document.


The Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee had recommended the review document and accompanying recommendations to Cabinet on 8 April 2013. The Health and Wellbeing Board had also commended the recommendations with some suggestions and comments on 22 April 2014. 


The main findings of the review were set out under a number of theme headings. These included:

  • Targeted work to minimise the impact of wider determinants on health inequalities
  • An investigation into inequity in access and outcomes at GP practices in Medway
  • The development of alcohol, smoking and workplace health good practice
  • A new strand within the Health and Wellbeing Boards engagement plan relating to barriers to the uptake of services
  • The development of a framework to enable the application of proportionate universalism in a structured way
  • The use of health equality audits in identifying and addressing health inequalities
  • The use of health impact assessments at an early point in the planning of local services and service redesign
  • The adoption of three key principles to assist the Council and partners to direct investment where it is most needed.


A Diversity Impact Assessment Screening form had been completed and was attached at Appendix 1 to the review document. This indicated that a full assessment was not necessary.


Decision number:



The Cabinet tasked the Council to continue to work with landlords, developers, partners and residents to aspire to raise housing standards. Where it was apparent that the legal standards were not being met, to seek a resolution to those issues in line with the Council’s Housing Enforcement Policy.


The Cabinet tasked the Director of Public Health to engage with the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture to inform the development of the Medway Local Plan and establish a joint officer project group to ensure that the Local Plan maximises the opportunity to improve the wider determinants of health through the planning system.


The Cabinet tasked the Director of Public Health to continue to engage with Licensing Officers to maximise the opportunity to improve the wider determinants of health through licensing, building on the partnership working to date between Public Health, Licensing and other departments and agencies to provide ongoing messages to licensees and the public on public safety and public health issues.


The Cabinet agreed to request NHS England (Kent and Medway Local Area Team) to work with NHS Medway Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Outcomes of Consultation for the Proposed Prescribed alterations at Abbey Court Special School pdf icon PDF 7 MB




This report outlined the outcomes of the informal consultation period on the Council’s proposals to ‘Increase pupil numbers’ and ‘transfer to a new site’ at Abbey Court Special School, by way of statutory prescribed alterations and requested authority to commence the period of statutory consultation.


The report and accompanying appendices set out details of the seven week period of informal public consultation, where proposals were published and made available to interested parties. This had included a public consultation document and a public meeting.


A breakdown of the 150 written responses received was set out in the report. It was noted that 144 (96%) supported the proposal, five objected and one, from Temple Mill Primary School that shared the Temple site, ticked neither box but raised some concerns. A transcript of the public meeting was attached as Appendix 3 to the report and a response from the children of Abbey Court was included at Appendix 6 of the report. The report provided officer responses to the issues and concerns raised.


It was noted that the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the response to the informal consultation on 25 March 2014. Details of the Committee’s discussion were set out in the report.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the responses to the informal consultation process together with the comments of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee and agreed to instruct the Director of Children and Adults Services to commence the period of statutory representation of the proposals for the expansion of Abbey Court as set out in section 12.2 of the report, when statutory notices and full proposals will be published.


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Children and Adults Services, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Children's Services (Lead Member), to determine whether to approve the proposals at the end of the statutory consultation period if no objections are received. However, if any objections are received during that time then a report will be prepared and presented to Cabinet for determination.



Approval to proceed to a period of statutory representation will ensure the Council complies with its duty to follow the full consultation process when proposing changes to school organisation.


Expansion of Primary School Places in Hoo St. Werburgh Village pdf icon PDF 30 KB




This report requested authorisation from Cabinet to take action to provide sufficient primary school places in Hoo St Werburgh from September 2015.


It was noted that the School Organisation Plan had been reviewed in July 2013 and that the updated action plan, which accompanied the review, included the action to provide additional primary places in Hoo St Werburgh village for September 2015. The report gave details of the increasing demand for primary school places and considered the two options of expanding the current primary school or supporting the establishment of an all-through academy in partnership with the Williamson Trust on the Hundred of Hoo Academy site.


Decision number:



The Cabinet instructed the Director of Children and Adults Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services (Lead Member), to proceed with supporting the establishment of an all-through academy, working in partnership with the Williamson Trust, to provide the additional primary school places required in Hoo St Werburgh, to be implemented in readiness for 1 September 2015 and therefore authorised officers to request an in-year variation from the Office of the Schools Adjudicator to enable the PAN at Hoo St Werburgh Primary School to revert to 60.



To ensure the Council meets its duty to provide sufficient good school places.


To comply with the actions in the approved School Organisation Plan 2011-16 and its review in July 2013, which highlight the need for additional places in the Hoo St Werburgh village area for September 2015.


Queen Street/Slickett's Hill Car Parks, The Brook, Chatham pdf icon PDF 189 KB




This report requested that Cabinet delegate authority to officers to declare surplus and then dispose of the Queen Street/Slickett’s Hill car park site, so that it can be disposed of for development on the best terms reasonably obtainable.


It was noted that the Council owned the freehold of the site (edged black on the plan attached to the report) and that outline planning consent had been granted in 2013 for a mixed use scheme, comprising of residential and 3,375 sq metres of commercial space (retail Classes A1 and A2) with ancillary parking for 146 spaces/202 cycle spaces.


The report considered the implications of disposing of the car park site and also the Council’s regeneration objectives for Chatham. Members noted the availability of alternative car parking within Chatham and considered, in particular, the condition of the Market Hall multi-storey car park.


Decision number:



The Cabinet delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Legal and Corporate Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to declare surplus and then dispose of the Queen Street/Slickett’s Hill car park site, so that it can be disposed of for development on the best terms reasonably obtainable.



To bring forward the site for development.


Recruitment Freeze pdf icon PDF 92 KB




This report presented information on vacancies that officers had requested approval to commence recruitment for, following the process agreed by Cabinet on 7 January 2003 (decision number 9/2003). Appendix 1 to the report provided details of the posts.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:

Business Support Directorate

(a)              Chief Finance Officer

(b)              Democratic Services Officer (0.6FTE up to 1.0FTE)

(c)              Civic and Ceremonial Officer


Children and Adults

(d)              Assistant Director, Inclusion

(e)              SEN Case Officer

(f)                SEND Pathfinder Project Officer

(g)              SEND Pathfinder Project Manager and Personal Budget Practitioner Lead

(h)              SEN Team Co-ordinator

(i)                 Partnership Commissioning Officer, Maternity Cover for one year

(j)                 Head of Partnership Commissioning


Regeneration, Community & Culture

(k)              RCC Business Support Officer

(l)                 Graduate Trainee Project Officer.




The posts presented to Cabinet will support the efficient running of the Council.


Transfer of Grounds Maintenance Services to Medway Norse pdf icon PDF 25 KB




This report recommended an amendment to the decision made by Cabinet on 29 October 2013 on the report entitled ‘Establishing a subsidiary company for the transfer of grounds maintenance services’.


The revised proposal was that the Council should transfer the grounds maintenance services to a division of Medway Norse rather than establish a subsidiary company.


It was noted that as part of finalising the financial model for transferring the grounds maintenance services, it had became clear that minimising costs in relation to the services being transferred was necessary and therefore it was suggested and agreed that a division rather than a subsidiary company should be created. However, the specific nature of the original recommendations in the October 2013 report meant that before the deed of variation to the original contract with Medway Norse was signed, a revised decision was needed for the activities to be transferred into Medway Norse.  It was reported that Medway Norse had taken on responsibility for the grounds maintenance services and therefore the deed of variation needed to be signed as soon as possible.


It was reported that, in line with rule 16.11 of Chapter 4, Part 5 of the Constitution, call-in would be waived on this item to enable the deed of variation to be sealed as soon as possible. It was noted that the Chairman of the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee had agreed that the decisions proposed were reasonable in all the circumstances and to them being treated as a matter of urgency and to waive call-in.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed the revised proposal for the transfer of grounds maintenance services, as follows: That the transfer of grounds maintenance services should be to a division of Medway Norse.


The Cabinet agreed that decision 178/2013, naming the subsidiary company, was no longer required.


The Cabinet noted that decisions 176/2013, 177/2013 and 179/2013 (as set out in Appendix 1 to the report) made by Cabinet on 29 October 2013 remain unchanged.


The Cabinet agreed that the decision at 99/2014 was urgent and therefore should not be subject to call in.



The need to minimise costs related to transferring the grounds maintenance services.


The need to have the contract signed as soon as possible.


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Local and Yellow Bus Contracts Retendering pdf icon PDF 42 KB




This report provided details of the proposed Yellow and Local Bus service contracts.


It was noted that, in contrast with previous practice, both the Yellow and Local Bus contracts had been amalgamated and tendered together as one procurement exercise. This was designed to maximise opportunities for economies. The process was run through an OJEU open procedure in order to appeal to the largest market available with the understanding that there were a finite number of capable contractors.


The contract was made up of 48 individual Local Bus routes and 9 Yellow Bus routes and the outcome of the tender process was set out in the exempt appendix accompanying the report.


The Strategic Procurement Board had considered this report on 22 April 2014 and supported the recommendations set out in the report.


An exempt appendix contains key information in respects of financial analysis.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the evaluation process and approved the award of the Lots as detailed within section 2.3 and 2.4 of the Exempt Appendix as follows:


Service no.


100 (M-F)


100 (Sats, Op1)


101 (Eves, Op2)




116 (am)


116 (eves)


120/121 (M-F)


120/121 (Sat, Op1)




132 (Op 2 Suns)


132/141 (eves)


133 (infill)




136 (am)


136 (eves)


140/141 (Op 2 Sun)


141 (am)






164 (eves)


164 (Suns)






176 (eves)


176 (Suns, Op 2)


181 (eves)


182 (Suns)


191 (Infill)


191 (eves)










701A/702 (Suns)


702 (eves)























The decisions are made due to the cost savings to the Council and the improved service that this would provide. 


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Young People's Community Substance Misuse Service in Medway pdf icon PDF 53 KB




This report sought permission to award a contract for the Young People's Community Substance Misuse Service in Medway.


The service would include:

  • Early intervention for vulnerable young people
  • Named drug worker within the Youth Offending Team
  • One-to-one support and treatment
  • Support for young people who require prescribing and needle exchange services provided by Medway’s Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Service
  • Drug use screening tool (DUST) training for the wider children’s workforce and consultation for professionals and parents/carers
  • Defined processes to ensure that the Child Assessment Framework (CAF) and Team around the Child (TAC) are followed
  • A robust transition policy for 19 year olds transferring to adult services
  • Protocols for working with mental health services for those young people with dual diagnosis.


It was reported that the proposed procurement would provide the opportunity to deliver a cohesive young people’s substance misuse service in Medway, with the potential for saving costs by amalgamating the current service level requirements into one specification to be tendered.


It was noted that this Gateway 3 Report had been approved for submission to Cabinet after review and discussion at the Children and Adults Directorate Management Team Meeting on15 April 2014 and Procurement Board on 22 April 2014


An exempt appendix contained key information in respect of financial analysis and tender evaluation result.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the award of Young People’s Community Substance Misuse Service in Medway to Open Road.



The supplier received an overall weighted score of 81%, which, as the highest score demonstrated that it is the most economically advantageous tender.