Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 9 July 2002

No. Item


Medway School Organisation Plan


139/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that statutory notices be published inviting public consultation and objections on the draft School Organisation Plan over a two month period; and that the outcomes will be reported back to Cabinet.


Treasury Management Outlook 2002/2003


156/2002 The Cabinet noted the treasury management outlook report.
157/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that it adopts the key recommendations of CIPFA's Treasury Management in the Public Services: code of practice (the code) 2001 as described in Section 4 of that code (see appendix 3 to the report):-Accordingly, the Council will create and maintain, as the cornerstones for effective treasury management:A Treasury Management Policy Statement (TMPS) stating the policies and objectives of its treasury management Suitable Treasury Management Practices (TMP) setting out the manner in which the organisation will seek to achieve those policies and objectives, and prescribing how it will manage and control those activities.
158/2002 The Cabinet agreed to receive reports on its treasury management policies, practices and activities including as a minimum, an annual strategy and plan in advance of the year, and an annual report after its close, in the form of prescribed in its TMP.
159/2002 The Cabinet agreed to delegate responsibility for the execution and administration of treasury management decisions to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services who will act in accordance with the organisation's policy statement and TMP and if a CIPFA member, to CIPFA's Standard of Professional Practice Treasury Management.
160/2002 The Cabinet agreed to continue to have executive responsibility for the treasury management functions with Support Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee monitoring treasury management policies and practices, including performance.


Security at the Municipal Buildings - monitoring report


171/2002 The Cabinet agreed that the situation be monitored and if the problems escalate further action be considered at the time depending on the nature and severity of the problem.


Acceptance of Tender for carriageway resurfacing


168/2002 The Cabinet accepted the tender from T.E. Beach Ltd.
169/2002 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Development and Environment be authorised to issue a letter of acceptance to T.E. Beach Ltd to enable works to commence on site as soon as possible. Under the Conditions of Contract Form of Tender the Council's letter of acceptance shall constitute a binding contract.
170/2002 The Cabinet agreed that a formal Contract under seal be entered into with the necessary Performance Bond.


Car Parking - Regeneration Scheme 21-27 High Street Gillingham and Britton Street Car Park


163/2002 The Cabinet agreed that officers continue to progress residents' parking places ready for the completion of the Arden Street scheme.
164/2002 The Cabinet agreed to authorise investigations into the options described at paragraphs 4.3, 4.5 and 4.6 in the report and at the junction of Fox Street and Arden Street for additional public car parking with a report back in due course, and on this basis refer the recommendation for land disposal as agreed at the last meeting of Cabinet on to the Council as follows:-i) to declare Britton Street car park surplus ii) to declare surplus 21-27 and 30-32 High Street Gillinghamiii) agree the terms and conditions set out in the report for their disposal Setting aside from the capital receipt, the disturbance cost for the surrender/relocation of the commercial tenant form 23 High Street.


Primary school surplus places in East Gillingham/Rainham - outcome of consultation


165/2002 The Cabinet agreed that option 4 is adopted and that approval be given to publish statutory public notices on the proposal to establish a new 210 places primary school on the Wakeley site (including a unit for Visually Impaired pupils and a pre-school provision, be it private or publicly maintained) from 1 September 2003 and close both schools from 31 August 2003.


Food Law Enforcement Service Plan


146/2002 The Cabinet agreed to refer this report to Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration to allow Cabinet to make recommendations to Council in September 2002.


Corporate Asset Management Plan/Capital Strategy


140/2002 The Cabinet agreed to incorporate the comments of the Support Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee into the draft Asset Management Plan and the draft Capital Strategy.
141/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the Asset Management Plan and Capital Strategy, as amended, be approved to form part of the Council's policy framework and for submission to GOSE before 31 July 2002.


Community Safety Plan


142/2002 The Cabinet agreed to incorporate the views of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in section 4 of the report into the draft Community Safety Plan.
143/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the Community Safety Plan be approved to form part of the Council's policy framework.


Financial Strategy


147/2002 The Cabinet noted the provisional capital and revenue outturns for 2001/2002 as detailed at section 4 in the report.
148/2002 The Cabinet noted the forecasted levels of general reserves, available principally to fund the priority schemes included in the council's approved capital investment strategy as detailed in section 9 in the report.
149/2002 The Cabinet noted the financial consequences and the provisional funding requirements of the council's capital programme, including external funding levels and the forecast use of the council's general reserves as detailed in sections 5 and 9 in the report.
150/2002 The Cabinet noted the forecast increases in central government external revenue support to the council for the period 2002/2006 as detailed in section 7 in the report.
151/2002 The Cabinet noted the probable indicative cash limit uplifts of 4%, to be applied to for directorates. The annual uplift for social services will, however, reflect the anticipated increase in the Chancellor's 2002/2003 budget speech of 6% per year as detailed in section 7.1 in the report. Education spending, as in previous years will match government guidelines. These are not currently known.
152/2002 The Cabinet noted the financial forecast for 2002/2006 as detailed in section 8 in the report, which indicates that expenditure will exceed the central government external funding support.
153/2002 The Cabinet noted the potential cost reduction measures as set out in appendix E to the report.
154/2002 The Cabinet approved the financial and business planning timetable as detailed at section 12 in the report.
155/2002 The Cabinet agreed to remove the words


Best Value: Somewhere to Live project brief


162/2002 The Cabinet noted the project brief and project plan for this best value review and made the following comments:-i) - the need to consider accommodation issues for Key Workers.ii) - the need to measure the inward flow of people moving into the borough.iii) - the importance of the review not being rushed and conducted properly.


Secondary School Admissions in September 2003: Proposed Application of Over-Subscription Criteria


161/2002 That the nearness of children's homes/ease of access over-subscription criterion be applied for community and voluntary controlled schools for children transferring in September 2003 as set out in the table in paragraph 4.2 in the report.


Acceptance of tender - recruitment advertising agency


167/2002 The Cabinet agreed the award of the contract for the provision of Recruitment Advertising Agency services to Kingsway Advertising Ltd for a period of three years with the option, at the council's sole discretion, to extend for a further period of up to twenty four months after a review of the service.


Annual Housing Submission


144/2002 The Cabinet agreed to incorporate the views of the Housing Task Group held on 8 July 2002 subject to section 19.3 of the Housing Strategy Statement being amended to read:-