Venue: Meeting Room 2 - Level 3, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR. View directions
Contact: Wayne Hemingway/Anthony Law, Cabinet Coordinators
No. | Item | ||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Howard Doe (Community Services). |
RECORD OF DECISIONS PDF 112 KB Minutes: The record of decisions from the meeting held on 30 March 2010 was agreed. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 53 KB Minutes: There were none. |
LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 3 PDF 945 KB Minutes: This report provided details of the provisional Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) for consultation purposes. The Cabinet had previously considered a report on the emerging issues surrounding the Plan in November 2009 and this report set out the key details of the Plan and the timetable for its development and approval.
The report stated that a key element in the preparation of the Plan was the importance of demonstrating links with local, sub-regional, regional and national policy including the Council Plan, the Sustainable Community Strategy and the work being undertaken through the Multi-Area-Agreement.
The report also stated that a Diversity Impact Assessment was being developed as part of the development of the Plan.
The decisions support the production of a Local Transport Plan as a statutory function, which applies, to local transport authorities in England outside London under the Transport Act 2000, as amended by the Local Transport Act 2008. |
LOCAL AREA AGREEMENT UPDATE PDF 184 KB Minutes: This report provided details of progress in achieving Medway’s Local Area Agreement (LAA) targets. It was noted that Council approved the LAA refresh on 4 March 2010 subject to agreement on National Indicator (NI) 152 – levels of worklessness. This target had been subsequently set to limit worklessness levels to 3.2% above regional averages.
It was reported that of the 45 LAA targets, 43 were reported for this quarter: 26 (61%) were on track, with 7 (16%) off target but capable of reaching target within the year. 10 were off track and required improvement.
The report also set out details of the consideration undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
Full and accurate performance reporting to Members is consistent with best practice, and will allow Members to monitor performance during the year. |
Minutes: This report presented information on two vacancies that officers had requested approval to commence recruitment for, following the process agreed by Cabinet on 7 January 2003.
The posts presented to Cabinet support the efficient running of the Council. |
BISHOP OF ROCHESTER ACADEMY OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE PDF 288 KB Minutes: This report presented details of the Outline Business Case for the Bishop of Rochester Academy. The Cabinet, in December 2008, agreed to establish a new Academy to replace Medway Community College and Chatham South School. The Outline Business Case set out the proposal to provide new buildings for the Academy on the Medway Community College site in Chatham.
It was reported that the Outline Business Case would secure external funding from Partnership for Schools (PfS) and that the total estimated construction cost was approximately £27 million. It was noted that the Final Business Case would be submitted to Cabinet in November 2011 and that the new Academy building was due to open in June 2013.
The report stated that a Diversity Impact Assessment would be undertaken on this project and would be reported to Cabinet with the Final Business Case.
The submission of a completed Outline Business Case is required by PfS, in order to secure funding for the scheme. |
GATEWAY 1 OPTIONS APPRAISAL: PUBLIC LIGHTING MAINTENANCE WORKS PDF 113 KB Minutes: This report set out the options appraisal for the procurement of the new Public Lighting Maintenance Works contract.
An exempt appendix provided information relating to the budget provision and estimated costs for the contract.
By commencing procurement of the lighting maintenance contract now, service continuity can be adequately planned and financial award decisions made through the 2011 budget setting process. |