Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 27 November 2007

No. Item


Revenue Budget 2008/2009


218/2007 The Cabinet agreed to forward the provisional draft budget to the Overview and Scrutiny Committees as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined.


Capital Budget Monitoring


226/2007 The Cabinet noted that spend and commitments on the approved programme since 1 April 2007 to date amounted to approximately £49 million.
227/2007 The Cabinet noted that forecast spend during 2007/2008 as a whole amounted to £105 million.
228/2007 The Cabinet noted the virements approved by officers under delegated authority as detailed in section 6 of the report.


Chatham Bus Station Proposals - Results of the Public Consultation Exercise


224/2007 The Cabinet noted the results of the public consultation exercise.


Recruitment Freeze


229/2007 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:
Business Support
a) Junior Finance Assistant
b) Senior Research and Review Officer
c) Planning and Management Information Officer
d) Media and Internal Communications Manager
Community Services
e) Housing Advice and Assessment Manager
f) Environmental Housing Technicians x 2
g) Homechoice and Options Manager
h) Housing Information Officer
i) Housing Performance and Information Manager.


Revenue Budget Monitoring


225/2007 The Cabinet reinforced the requirement upon directors to enforce the vacancy controls and spending moratorium to achieve budget balance.


Settlement of Claim


231/2007 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Assistant Director, Corporate Services, to negotiate the settlement of this claim on the terms set out in the report.


Capital Programme 2008/2009 and Beyond


219/2007 The Cabinet noted the unsupported capital commitments from 2007/2008 as summarised in Table 1 of the report.
220/2007 The Cabinet noted the ongoing schemes for 2008/2009 and future years as summarised in Table 2 of the report for inclusion in the draft capital programme.
221/2007 The Cabinet noted the schemes funded from unsupported borrowing as summarised in Table 3 of the report.
222/2007 The Cabinet noted the capital allocations received to date as summarised in Table 4 of the report.
223/2007 The Cabinet agreed to forward the provisional draft capital programme to Overview and Scrutiny Committees as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined.