Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 4 September 2007

No. Item


Medway Connexions


145/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council the approval of Option B, as set out in the report, and the establishment of the Medway Youth Trust as the Medway-based charity commissioned to deliver Connexions Services for a transition period from 1 April 2008.


School Organisation Plan Principles


147/2007 The Cabinet approved the principles set out in section 4 of the report for consultation.


Recruitment Freeze


149/2007 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:
Business Support
a) Political Assistant to the Conservative Group
b) Legal Assistant (Property)
c) Senior Accountant
Regeneration and Development
d) Appeals and Research Assistant.


Acceptance of Tender: Furniture at New Civic Headquarters


152/2007 The Cabinet approved the selection of Senator International Limited as the preferred bidder for the provision and installation of office furniture for the new Civic Headquarters building.


Procurement of ICT Hardware Equipment


150/2007 The Cabinet endorsed the use of existing EU compliant framework agreements in relation to ICT Hardware Procurement in preference to letting a separate tender solely on behalf of the Council.


Supporting People: Outreach Support Contract


151/2007 The Cabinet agreed to award a support service contract for outreach support to In Touch for a period of 3 years.


Wayfield Primary School, Chatham - Mobile


148/2007 The Cabinet confirmed its original decision of 30 January 2007 (decision no. 12/2007) to move the mobile to All Faiths Community Primary School and officers were instructed to explore with stakeholders alternative ways of meeting the needs of local young people.


Reconfiguration of the Children's Services Directorate


146/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council the following proposals, as set out in the report, for the reconfiguration of the Children's Services Directorate subject to consultation in accordance with the reorganisation and redundancy procedures:
· The establishment of a fourth Assistant Director position responsible for Planning, Performance and Commissioning.
· The reconfiguration of the current organisational arrangements for child protection.
· The reconfiguration of the existing Assistant Director positions to ensure a more equitable distribution of workload.