Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 17 July 2007

No. Item


Provision of Water to Meet Medway's Future Needs


128/2007 The Cabinet agreed the recommendations as set out in paragraph 4 of the report, subject to the inclusion of further representations being made to the Lower Medway Internal Drainage Board and the Environment Agency setting out the concerns raised by the review.
129/2007 The Cabinet agreed that an all Member briefing should be arranged, potentially facilitated by Professor Hooper from Waterwise, on the pressures on future water provision.


Grounds Maintenance Services for Crematorium and Cemeteries


140/2007 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance in his capacity as Chairman of the Procurement Board, to progress this project to the next stage of the procurement process and that adverts be placed in accordance with agreed policy.
141/2007 The Cabinet agreed that a tender is invited from an In-House Team.


Acceptance of Tender: Occupational Health and Counselling


139/2007 The Cabinet agreed that the acceptance of the most advantageous tender(s) for the occupational health and counselling services be delegated to the Assistant Director Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Customer First and Corporate Services.


Capital Budget Monitoring


135/2007 The Cabinet noted:
· Spend and commitments on the approved programme since 1 April 2007 to date amounted to approximately £6.5 million;
· Forecast spend during 2007/2008 as a whole amounted to £109 million;
· The additions to the capital programme detailed in sections 6 of the report;
· The virements approved as detailed in section 7 of the report.
136/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 26 July 2007 the proposed further additions to the capital programme, outlined in section 6 of the report.
137/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 26 July 2007 to adopt the changes to the Constitution as set out in Appendix 7 to the report.


Recruitment Freeze


138/2007 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Business Support
a) Benefits Manager
Community Services
b) Support Services Assistant
Regeneration and Development
c) Housing Strategy and Enabling Officer.


Revenue Budget Monitoring


134/2007 The Cabinet noted the significant potential overspend and endorsed the requirement for directorates to prepare detailed action plans, as set out in section 11 of the report.


Mainstream School Transport Policy


130/2007 The Cabinet noted the Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee's comments.
131/2007 The Cabinet approved the eligibility criteria for mainstream schools, as set out in section 4 of the report.
132/2007 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Children's Services to write to the Department for Children, Schools and Families requesting clarification on the formula by which the additional funding would be allocated.
133/2007 The Cabinet agreed that a review of policy is undertaken over the next year in the following policy areas:
a) Provision of transport to looked after children
b) Post 16 transport
c) Additional options for transport, e.g. using budget resources to fund alternative schemes of transport such as bicycles.


Rochester Riverside Hotel and Commercial Quarter


142/2007 The Cabinet accepted the Regeneration and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee's comments.
143/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council to select Developer B as the preferred development partner for the hotel and commercial quarter at Rochester Riverside and for the Council to enter in to an Exclusivity Agreement with Developer B.
144/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council to delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to grant a development agreement and lease for a term not exceeding 150 years for the land comprising the hotel and commercial quarter at Rochester Riverside on the best terms reasonably obtainable.