Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 13 March 2007

No. Item


Chatham Development Briefs


61/2007 The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Regeneration and Development to make minor changes to the proposed Development Brief for the Brook, Waterfront and Station Approach areas of Chatham and issue it for consultation.
62/2007 The Cabinet confirmed that no decision would be taken on the demolition of the flyover until the statutory consultation on the Development Brief had been completed.


Soccer Academy - Beechings Cross


78/2007 The Cabinet supported the proposal for a soccer academy at the Beechings Cross site, Gillingham and delegated authority to the Director of Community Services, in consultation with the relevant portfolio holders, to:
a) Market the site and seek formal expressions of interest from interested parties
b) Undertake appropriate consultation and seek the necessary Department for Education and Skills approval.
79/2007 The Cabinet agreed that a report be submitted in due course once the offers have been assessed, recommending a development partner and seeking authority to enter into the necessary legal agreements.


Acceptance of Tender: Building Works, Elaine Primary School, Strood


70/2007 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Legal, Contracts and Property Services, in consultation with the Children's Services Portfolio Holder, to accept the most advantageous tender for the creation of an extended school community hub at Elaine Primary, Strood.


Critical Success Factors


71/2007 The Cabinet noted the current performance against the Council's CSFs as indicated by the third quarter figures for this year.
72/2007 The Cabinet noted the comments made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees concerning critical success factor performance.


Recruitment Freeze


73/2007 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the Contracts Administrator post, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable the Director of Community Services to commence the recruitment process.


Secondary School Admission Arrangements for September 2008


63/2007 The Cabinet approved the Secondary Admission Arrangements, as set out in the appendices accompanying the report and incorporating decision numbers 64/2007 to 67/2007.
64/2007 Testing before preference

The Cabinet agreed that the scheme is adapted to ensure that parents know the outcome of selection tests before being asked to submit their preferences.
65/2007 Equal preference scheme

The Cabinet agreed the equal preference scheme be adopted.
66/2007 Oversubscription criteria

The Cabinet agreed that the oversubscription criteria continue to give a priority to siblings for both selective and non-selective schools.
67/2007 Published Admission Numbers

The Cabinet agreed that the Published Admission Numbers for the following secondary schools be amended:
i) Medway Community College from 180 to 150
ii) Fort Pitt Grammar School from 180 to 150
iii) Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School from 155 to 168.


Sheltered Housing Review


74/2007 The Cabinet noted the shortlist of four bidders, as set out in the exempt appendix, invited to formally submit tenders.
75/2007 The Cabinet agreed to include an option for Plewis House in the Fitzthorold House market brief to determine if the combined site adds value to the Council's asset and the overall development.
76/2007 The Cabinet approved, in principle, the funding necessary to decant Plewis House tenants together with funding to repurchase one leaseholder flat sold under Right to Buy.
77/2007 The Cabinet instructed officers to advise potential partners of the identified risks associated with the proximity of the gas storage site adjacent to Fitzthorold House site (including Plewis House).


Bus Fares Task Group


68/2007 The Cabinet agreed, given the uncertainty of the figures and the operators' capacity to deliver, that the concession would apply to children up to the age of 16 in the first instance.
69/2007 The Cabinet agreed that further work be undertaken on the detail of the implementation of the scheme, at a cost estimated at £12-14,000, to progress the project by gaining more accurate statistical data and more detailed demand and cost forecasts and that a report be submitted to Members on 5 June 2007.


Disposal of Property: Northbourne Road, Gillingham


59/2007 The Cabinet agreed that 39 Northbourne Road, Gillingham and the land to the rear of Northbourne Road, shown respectively edged black and hatched black on the plan attached to the report, are declared surplus and that the Chief Finance Officer be given delegated authority to agree the terms of such disposal at best consideration.
60/2007 The Cabinet agreed that the Chief Finance Officer is given delegated authority to vary/release the covenant on the former garage site at Laburnum Road Strood, as shown edged black on the attached plan attached to the report, on the best terms reasonably obtainable.