Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 12 December 2006

No. Item


Drug and Alcohol Fundamental Review Scope


270/2006 The Cabinet approved the scope of the review and referred it to the NHS and Health Sub-Committee of the Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee to conduct the review.


Proposed Building Control Partnership


259/2006 The Cabinet approved the proposals for the proposed Building Control Partnership between Medway, Swale and Gravesham Councils (subject to the proposed Building Control Partnership being provided without additional Medway revenue budget, over and above that allocated to the existing Medway Building Control service).
260/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council that a Building Control Joint Committee be established with at least one elected Member nominated to represent each of the three Councils.
261/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council to nominate Member(s) to serve on the Building Control Joint Committee on behalf of Medway Council.
262/2006 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Regeneration and Development and the Assistant Director, Legal, Contract and Property Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth, to take all necessary actions to enable the proposals for the Partnership, including all necessary legal agreements, to be finalised and implemented.


Medway Local Development Framework - Annual Monitoring Report 2006


266/2006 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning and Economic Growth, to make minor amendments to the draft documents prior to their formal submission to the Secretary of State by 31 December 2006.


Housing Maintenance Contract


271/2006 The Cabinet agreed to award the Housing Repairs and Maintenance Contract to Erinaceous Property Maintenance Ltd (formerly Spring Grove Property Maintenance plc) for an initial period of 5 years commencing 1 April 2007, subject to no matters arising from the Section 20 Leaseholder statutory consultation.
272/2006 The Cabinet agreed to the establishment of a Partnering Board comprising membership as detailed in paragraph 11.2 of the report.
273/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the terms of reference for the Partnership Board be to negotiate the terms of a partnering agreement, including staffing issues, and to review contractor performance
274/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the terms of the Partnering Agreement be presented to Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration and recommendation to Cabinet, and that such agreement not be implemented until 1 April 2008 at the earliest.
275/2006 The Cabinet agreed that officers establish an informal cross-party Member reference group in consultation with Group Whips, at the point of drawing up the contract to review its terms.


Annual Performance Assessment: Adult Services


263/2006 The Cabinet noted the outcome of the Annual Review of performance.
264/2006 The Cabinet requested the Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee to give detailed consideration to the issues raised by the Commission for Social Care Inspection, and to monitor progress on the Action Plan presented at Appendix 1 of the report.


Provisional Local Government Settlement 2007/2008


255/2006 The Cabinet noted the provisional settlement as an essential part of the budget setting process for 2007/2008.
256/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to formulate a detailed response and make all necessary representations to government regarding the settlement.


Enforcement Policy and Streetscene Enforcement Strategy


257/2006 The Cabinet approved the revised corporate enforcement policy as attached at appendix one of the report.
258/2006 The Cabinet approved the street scene enforcement strategy as attached at appendix two of the report.


Consultant Framework Agreement


276/2006 The Cabinet approved the following Quantity Surveying practices to join the professional design team: a) Huntley Cartwright, Maidstone. b) Faithful Gould, Tunbridge Wells. c) Nisbet LLP, Woolwich London. d) NJC (UK) Ltd, Medway. e) Sawyer & Fisher, Maidstone. f) Gardiner & Theobald, London. g) GMP Partnership, Margate. h) Playle & Partners LLP, Sidcup.


Supporting People Inspection: Action Plan


265/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the action plan and supported its implementation.


Community Enterprise Hub - Watermill Wharf


267/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the proposed Watermill Wharf development be progressed as part of the Strood Riverside development.
268/2006 The Cabinet agreed that up to £300,000 be made available from the existing capital programme allocation for the Watermill Wharf development.
269/2006 The Cabinet agreed that authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services and the Director of Community Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth: a) to develop the scheme within the funding limits identified at paragraphs 9.1 and 9.2 of the report, reducing aspects of the project if any of the funding does not materialise. b) to acquire the necessary interests in Network Rail's land. c) to negotiate and grant a leasehold interest in the Council's site or the combined site to Hubco upon the best terms reasonably obtainable for use as a community enterprise hub, if necessary, exercising any powers available under the General Consent (Local Government Act 1972: General Disposal Consent (England) 2003. d) to deal with any related issues, including entering into any related agreements.