Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 26 September 2006

No. Item


Call In - Temple Waterfront Development Brief


186/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the decision made on 18 July 2006 to adopt the Temple Waterfront Development Brief, subject to the changes recommended in Appendix 2 as a supplementary planning document, be reaffirmed but that a scaled version of the illustrative masterplan be produced and a note added to the supporting text pointing out that development on the scale indicated would need to be assessed as to whether it constitutes a departure from the development plan.
187/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers, as a matter of policy, that all future development briefs are subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Regeneration and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Recruitment Freeze


194/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process: Children's Services - a) General Adviser (Primary) X 2. egeneration and Development - b) Public Rights of Way Officer. c) P/T Technical Assistant (Development Control). d) F/T Technical Assistant (Tree Management). e) P/T Technical Assistant (Tree Preservation Order).


Revenue Budget Monitoring


189/2006 The Cabinet agreed: a) to reinforce the requirement for the budget to be adhered to and instructed directors to ensure that plans were put before Cabinet to achieve this as a matter of urgency. b) to review the exempt status for vacant posts. c) as an immediate step to reintroduce the organisation-wide spending moratorium.


Capital Budget Monitoring


190/2006 The Cabinet noted that spend and commitments on the approved programme since 1 April 2006 to date amounted to approximately £32 million.
191/2006 The Cabinet noted that the forecast spend for 2006/2007 amounted to £94 million.


Critical Success Factors


192/2006 The Cabinet noted the current performance against the Council's critical success factors, as indicated by the first quarter figures for this year.
193/2006 The Cabinet noted the comments made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees concerning critical success factor performance.


Relocation of Rochester Market


188/2006 The Cabinet agreed the relocation of Rochester Market to Blue Boar Lane, subject to the necessary planning and traffic orders being secured.


Thames Gateway Strategic Framework


184/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the response to the Key Choices document as set out in Appendix A to the report subject to the revisions set out in the addendum report.
185/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the development of the interim Strategic Framework, so far as it was available currently, and agreed to keep the development under careful review in light of the possibility of a change in the target housing numbers.


Consultant Framework Agreement


195/2006 The Cabinet approved the following framework for professional design team components (a: architect, b: structural engineer and c: mechanical & electrical) - see attached record of decisions for full list.


Annual Public Health Report


183/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the Director of Public Health's Annual Report for wide dissemination and discussion, and agreed to receive regular updates on the actions being taken to reduce health inequalities in Medway.