Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 6 June 2006

No. Item


Performance Plan (Policy Framework)


112/2006 The Cabinet agreed the priorities set out in appendix 1 to the report.
113/2006 The Cabinet noted the comments of the Finance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and recommended the plan to Council on 15 June 2006 for approval as part of the council's policy framework.
114/2006 The Cabinet approved the circulation of the summary plan to all Medway residents as a supplement to the September/October edition of Medway Matters.


Recruitment Freeze


126/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Chief Executive's
a) Marketing Executive
b) PA to the Mayor
c) Web Editor
Community Services
d) Deangate General Manager
e) Housing Options Team Manager
f) Senior Sports Development Officer
g) Support Service Assistant - Older People
Regeneration and Development
h) Senior Conservation Officer.


Audit Committee


122/2006 The Cabinet supported the establishment of an Audit Committee and recommended to Council the revised terms of reference summarised in paragraphs 4.2 to 4.4 (subject to the frequency of meetings being reduced from six to four per year), and expressed in more detail in Annex B to the report.


Public Service Agreement 2


115/2006 The Cabinet agreed the proposals brought together in appendix 4 against each target and endorsed the allocation of £900,000 pump priming grant, for further discussion with partners and the LSP.


Townscape Heritage Initiative: Grant Application for 351 High Street, Rochester


Enforcement - Fixed Penalty Notices


123/2006 The Cabinet agreed to implement the fee levels for fixed penalty notices as detailed within paragraph 2.2 of the addendum report.
124/2006 The Cabinet agreed to review and amend as appropriate the Council's generic enforcement policy, which will be brought to Cabinet in the early autumn for agreement and re-adoption.
125/2006 The Cabinet agreed the production of an environmental / street scene enforcement strategy which will be brought to Cabinet in the early autumn for agreement and adoption.


Rochester Riverside: Approach to Development


116/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the approach to the development of the whole of Rochester Riverside is undertaken in two main phases (A and C on the attached plan) with a development partner being initially sought for phase A, possibly with an option to take a future phase if performance is satisfactory, but with the restriction that no land can be traded on. The exception to the approach is two areas of land comprising Doust Way car park and the hotel/office quarter identified on the plan, which will both, be subject to separate development approaches.
117/2006 The Cabinet agreed the form of tenure for the development in the form of 999-year leases and the relative balance between annual service charge and potential dowry be further analysed to identify best value for the Council.
118/2006 The Cabinet agreed that Doust Way car park be brought forward independently from the first phase of development at Rochester Riverside as a cultural/arts scheme incorporating student housing and car parking. If the scheme cannot be achieved by the time the first phase developer for Rochester Riverside is appointed then the car park will be included in phase 1 in accordance with the original masterplan.
119/2006 The Cabinet agreed that specialist agents be appointed to market the hotel/conference facility and adjoining mixed-use office quarter to secure an appropriate development partner.
120/2006 The Cabinet agreed the timescale for procurement and the formal stages for the involvement of Members.
121/2006 The Cabinet agreed the principles of the two-stage developer partner selection.