Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 16 May 2006

No. Item


Acceptance of Tender for Schools Capital Project: Abbey Court Special School, Strood


111/2006 The Cabinet agreed to award the contract to GSE Design and Build for the project as indicated in the exempt appendix.


External Audit Plan


106/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 15 June 2006 acceptance of PricewaterhouseCooper's audit plan for 2006/2007.


Strood Riverside Development Brief


104/2006 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Regeneration and Development to make minor changes to the Strood Riverside Development Brief and publish it for consultation.


Local Development Framework (policy framework)


100/2006 The Cabinet noted the recommendations from the Regeneration and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which had been actioned in the revised documents.
101/2006 The Cabinet authorised the submission to the Government Office of a revised Local Development Scheme based on Table 2 in the report.
102/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council the formal submission of the Core Strategy and Mixed Use development plan documents to the Government Office and Planning Inspectorate in accordance with s20 (3) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulation 28 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. This was subject to the Housing and Mixed Use development plan document (Policy HMU 05) being amended to refer to an affordable housing provision figure of 25% and the third paragraph of policy HMU 05 (referring to a split between social rented and intermediate housing) being deleted.
103/2006 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Regeneration and Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth, to make minor amendments to the draft documents prior to their consideration by Council on 15 June 2006.


Recruitment Freeze


107/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Community Services
a) Support Service Assistant
b) Membership Support Manager
c) Client Financial Affairs Officer
Finance and Corporate Services
d) Corporate Health & Safety Manager
Regeneration and Development
e) Service Monitoring Officer.


Acceptance of Tenders for Supporting People Services


108/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Community Services be authorised to award contracts for the provision of housing related support services for a period of up to 4 years to:
a) West Kent Housing Association for the assessment and floating support service
b) In Touch for the outreach service
c) Shaftesbury and Arethusa for the Doust House and new 25 unit young person's services.
109/2006 The Cabinet agreed to waive contract rules for the award of the contract for the 25 unit young person's services.
110/2006 The Cabinet agreed to note that service provision would commence incrementally as described in section 5 of the report from 1 July 2006.


A Building Heights Policy for Medway


105/2006 The Cabinet agreed to adopt the Medway Building Heights Policy as a supplementary planning document to the Local Development Framework. This was subject to the final row on page 57 of the policy (Chatham Historic Dockyard) being amended to read: