Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 4 April 2006

No. Item


Housing Roof Contract


76/2006 That the Director of Community Services be authorised to award the roofing contract to Town and Country Roofing to deliver Decent Homes roofing work identified for 2006/2007.


Strand Cafe, Gillingham


77/2006 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Finance and Corporate Services:
a) To grant a lease of the Strand café for a term of three years to the recommended applicant set out in the exempt appendix (or the next most suitable applicant should for any reason this transaction not proceed to completion).
b) To finalise the remaining terms of the lease.


Kent and Medway Structure Plan


60/2006 The Cabinet recommended that Council on 20 April 2006 agree to adopt the Kent and Medway Structure Plan. Specifically the Council was recommended to agree:
a) for publication, alongside the adoption procedures for the Plan, the draft 'Report of Consultation on the Further Proposed Modifications to the Kent and Medway Structure Plan', including the proposed response on behalf of the Councils, to the representations received on them
b) that no further changes (modifications) be proposed to the policies of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan
c) that statutory notification of the intention to adopt the Kent and Medway Structure Plan be published at the earliest opportunity
d) that statutory notification of adoption of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan be published at the earliest opportunity following completion of the notification period for the intention to adopt
e) that in conjunction with (d) the Kent and Medway Structure Plan is adopted as part of the development plan for Kent and Medway for the purposes of plan preparation and development control
f) that the polices and supporting explanatory text to the Kent and Medway Structure Plan be published in printed form and on the Structure Plan web site at the earliest opportunity.


South East Employers' Member Development Charter


74/2006 The Cabinet agreed to commit to the South East Employers Member Development Charter and to the implementation of an action plan to achieve accreditation.


Acceptance of Tender for School Capital Projects: Danecourt School


75/2006 The Cabinet agreed to award the contract to B W May and Son Limited for the project as indicated in the exempt appendix.


School Admission Arrangements


61/2006 The Cabinet agreed option 2 for the Hoo Peninsula scheme of education, as outlined in section 4.1.3 of the report, to respond to the issues raised by residents on the Hoo Peninsula and safeguard the interests of Medway residents overall.
62/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Published Admission Number at Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School remain unchanged.
63/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Published Admission Number at Fort Pitt Grammar School be reduced to 180.
64/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the primary school Published Admission Numbers be reduced, as set out in section 4.4.1 of the report, with the exception of Sherwin Knight, which should be left unaltered. Officers were requested to find an alternative solution that was acceptable to both Sherwin Knight Infant and Junior Schools.
65/2006 The Cabinet agreed the changes to the oversubscription criteria for primary schools as outlined in section 4.5 of the report.
66/2006 The Cabinet agreed the change to the oversubscription criteria for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools (Primary and Secondary) for looked after children (LAC) as outlined in section 4.6.1 of the report.


Implementing Electronic Government 6


71/2006 The Cabinet approved the Implementing Electronic Government 6 Statement for submission to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.


Budget 2006/2007 - Capping


57/2006 The Cabinet approved the submission of an appeal that sought to retain Medway's budget at the level agreed by Council on 2 March 2006 - a net revenue budget of £299.519m and a council tax increase of 5.5%.
58/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Corporate Services be given authority to draft and submit the appeal after consultation with the Deputy Leader and Finance Portfolio Holder.
59/2006 The Cabinet agreed that these decisions were urgent and, noting the agreement of the Chairman of the Finance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, that they should not be subject to call-in.


Capital Budget Monitoring


68/2006 The Cabinet noted that:
a) Spend and commitments on the approved programme since 1 April 2005 amounted to approximately £57 million
b) Forecast spend during 2005/2006 as a whole amounted to £83 million.
69/2006 The Cabinet recommended the proposed additions to the capital programme, described in section 6 of the report, to Council for approval.
70/2006 The Cabinet agreed, subject to the Council's approval of the new schemes described in section 6 of the report, to formally authorise expenditure against the complete approved capital programme for 2006/2007 and future years.


Revenue Budget Monitoring


67/2006 The Cabinet noted the forecast overspend of £216,000, as derived from January monitoring returns, and the anticipation that breakeven to budget would be achieved for the 2005/2006 financial year.


Property Strategy


72/2006 The Cabinet approved the corporate property strategy, subject to the incorporation of the following comments of the Finance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee:
a) To review all properties in the context of rationalisation, not just those that are under performing
b) On page 9 of the strategy to separate the regeneration assets into a separate classification
c) A paragraph be added in the document to illustrate that they are broad guidelines that can be varied by Members if individual circumstances so dictate.

73/2006 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to incorporate the changes detailed at 72/2006 and finalise the document.