Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 11 May 2004

No. Item


Annual Critical Success Factors


The Cabinet noted the contents of the report and agreed to monitor progress against the Council's key priorities, including the Public Service Agreement (PSA).


Revenue Budget 2004/2005 - Nursery Education Grants


The Cabinet agreed to increase Nursery Education Grants to £1,263 per pupil.


Chatham Library - Future Provision


191/2004 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council to re-locate the Chatham Library to the Gun Wharf Site subject to the following additional work being undertaken:· Detailed costing of the internal fit-out and all external works to be produced for consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture· A full breakdown of the works required to make the building DDA compliant and costing be produced· A full breakdown of the works required to be provide the costing on moving server or making secure
· Either three competitive quotations or tenders be sought in accordance with the Council's contract rules · Construction programme of works and detail time scale be provided for consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture.
192/2004 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council a new capital scheme for the reprovision of the existing Chatham Library.
193/2004 The Cabinet asked the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to identify how the necessary funding can be found to fund the relocation and confirm that the operating costs of the new library will remain within operating budget.
194/2004 The Cabinet agreed that, in addition, quotations be sought for the refurbishment of the top floor including DDA compliance.
195/2004 The Cabinet agreed that at all times the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture be kept informed of progress and all quotations and details of works in progress.


Recruitment Freeze


The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Development and Environment
a) Visitor Information Centre Assistant
b) Part-Time Caretaker
c) Economic Development Support
d) Events Assistant
e) Townscape Heritage Initiative Officer

Education and Leisure
f) Caseworker
g) Clerical Officer
h) Deputy Team Manager
i) Finance Support Officer
j) Transport and Pupil Services Manager
k) Finance and Information Officer
l) Principal Education Welfare Officer
m) Information Manager

Finance and Corporate Services
n) Corporate Services Accountant

Health and Community
o) Support Services Assistant - Older People
p) Support Services Assistant - Mental Health X 2
q) Children's Strategic Planning Manager
r) Service Manager Children and Families.


Preparation of Local Development Framework for Medway


The Cabinet agreed to give delegated authority to the Director of Development and Environment, subject to there being no material changes required following the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill receiving royal assent, to adopt the Medway Draft Local Development Scheme in the form appended to the report for submission to the Government Office for the South East for approval upon commencement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act.

The Cabinet agreed to give delegated authority to the Director of Development and Environment, subject to there being no material changes required following the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill receiving royal assent and the informal views of the Government Office for the South East, to approve Medway's draft Statement of Community Involvement in the form appended to the report for public consultation upon commencement of the Act.

The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Development and Environment in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, to make minor amendments to the Local Development Scheme prior to its adoption.

The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Development and Environment in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, to make minor amendments to the Statement of Community Involvement prior to publishing it for public consultation.

The Cabinet agreed that a Local Development Framework Advisory Group be established comprising of two Cabinet Members and three Members of the Environment and Front Line Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

The Cabinet agreed to amend Document 14 - Upnor Supplementary Planning Document (p 166 of the Cabinet report) as follows:Subject of Document: This document will guide the detailed redevelopment future use of the former military land at Upnor.


SSI Inspection of Children's Services


The Cabinet approved the Action Plan attached to the report in response to the recommendations of the SSI Inspection of Children's Services which was carried out in October 2003.

The Cabinet noted the Overview and Scrutiny recommendation in relation to the sale of Thornham Road and confirmed that the facility would not close until existing services had been relocated.

The Cabinet noted the Overview and Scrutiny recommendation in relation to cost saving measures but resolved to take no additional action.


Chatham Centre Improvement Scheme


The Cabinet agreed to assign responsibility for the consideration and determination of Chatham Centre Improvement Scheme projects to the Assistant Director, Economic Development and Neighbourhood Renewal, in consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development to provide financial assistance under the scheme.
The Cabinet agreed that it be consulted on the applications received for Chatham Centre Improvement Scheme financial assistance as considered by the Assistant Director, Economic Development and Neighbourhood Renewal, the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development.


Star Hill to Sun Pier: Planning and Design Strategy


The Cabinet agreed to adopt the Star Hill to Sun Pier Design and Planning Strategy, incorporating the proposed amendments as supplementary planning guidance for future development proposals.


Kent and Medway Structure Plan


The Cabinet noted the next steps and associated timetable leading to the adoption of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan.

The Cabinet agreed the proposed response to the matters raised as a result of representations received to the Deposit Kent and Medway Structure Plan summarised in appendix 1 to the report and set out in the separate detailed schedule.

The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Development and Environment in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development to collate any other proposed changes of a minor nature in order to provide a comprehensive schedule for publication of the changes envisaged to both the text and policies of the plan (as set out in appendix 1 to the report).

The Cabinet agreed the list of matters for the Examination in Public reproduced in appendix 3 to the report, subject to consultation with the examination panel and public consultation prior to finalisation.


Proposed Relocation of Rainham Market


The Cabinet agreed to instruct the Tourism and Heritage Manager to apply for planning permission to relocate Rainham market to the Cricketers car park, and subject to permission being granted, to relocate the market as soon as possible given appropriate notice to the Market Operator and Stallholders.


Universities Agreement


The Cabinet agreed to enter into a funding agreement with the universities incorporating the key points set out in section 3 of the report.