Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 20 April 2004

No. Item


Lordswood Leisure Centre


The Cabinet agreed to exercise the Council's


Library Management System


The Cabinet authorised the Director of Education and Leisure to negotiate and award a new 1-year contract, with an option to extend for a second year, based upon existing terms and conditions with the present supplier for the library management system, and that it be exempt from the tendering process under contract rule 2 (b) (i).


Intergrated Kent (Rail) Franchise


The Cabinet approved the proposed response for submission to the Strategic Rail Authority, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report with the further changes detailed in the addendum report.


Parking Review: Gillingham South (High Street Area)


The Cabinet agreed the proposed scheme to introduce a controlled parking zone from 8am to 10pm Monday to Saturday in the Gillingham South Ward (High Street Area), as set out in Appendix D to the report, which shows the boundaries of the zone.
The Cabinet agreed to introduce shared permit parking and pay and display in the following roads:Balmoral Road, Britton Street (from its junction with High Street to its junction with Lock Street), Canterbury Street, Green Street, Marlborough Road (western side), Saxton Street and Theodore Place.
The Cabinet agreed to introduce shared permit and one hour limited waiting in the following roads:Connaught Road, Dawes Street, Duncan Road, Edinburgh Road, Lawrence Street, Marlborough Road (eastern side), Osborne Road, Paget Street, Randolph Road and Trafalgar Street Britton Street (from its junction with Lock Street to its junction with Paget Street).
The Cabinet agreed to give delegated authority to the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, to consider any valid objections received following the advertisement of the intention to make the traffic regulation order, and to decide whether to proceed with the making of the order, with or without modifications.


Transport Planning Consultancy - Appointment of Consultants


The Cabinet approved the appointment of Mouchel Parkman to undertake Transport Planning Consultancy work as detailed in the report and the tender documentation.


Monitoring Officer's Protocol


The Cabinet authorised Medway's Monitoring Officer to act as Monitoring Officer for the local authorities in accordance with the terms of the protocol agreed by Medway's Standards Committee, as set out in Appendix 1.


Recruitment Freeze


165/2004 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Development and Environment
a) Events Officer Education and Leisure
b) Accounting Technician (1)
c) Accounting Technician (2)
d) KS3 ICT Consultant
e) ICT Consultant
Finance and Corporate Services
f) Marketing and Public Relations Manager
g) Assistant Graphic Designer
h) Senior Valuation Surveyor
Health and Community
i) Support Services Assistant (Adult Services - Mental Health)
j) Finance Officer
k) Support Services Assistants (Adult Services - Older People).


Medway Waterfront Renaissance Strategy


149/2004 The Cabinet adopted the draft Medway Waterfront Renaissance Strategy for the purposes of consultation with a report back to Cabinet on 20 July 2004 for final approval.

150/2004 The Cabinet approved the consultation programme outlined in paragraphs 5.5 to 5.7 of the report.


Development Briefs


The Cabinet did not approve the development brief for East of Bells Lane, Hoo St Werburgh as supplementary planning guidance in light of representations received from local interested parties including the parish council.
The Cabinet agreed that the development brief for Wainscott be adopted as supplementary planning guidance.
The Cabinet recommended to Council the adoption of the development brief for Gillingham Waterfront as a departure from the Medway Local Plan.


Behaviour Support Plan 2004/2005


The Cabinet approved the Behaviour Support Plan for 2004/2005.


Housing Stock Options Appraisal


The Cabinet noted the new requirements to undertake a stock options appraisal and the anticipated project timetable.
The Cabinet approved the management arrangements for the stock option appraisal detailed in section 3.3 of the report.
The Cabinet approved the addition of outsourcing of the management service as a fifth model for consideration in the option appraisal exercise.
The Cabinet noted the timescales detailed in Appendix 1 of the report for implementing alternative models of management that might be recommended from the options appraisal.
The Cabinet agreed to refer the matter to Health and Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consult Members of that committee on this initiative and associated procedures.
The Cabinet approved the appointment of Advisors to the Council and an Independent Tenant Advisor.
The Cabinet approved the re-tendering of the housing maintenance contract for a one-year contract with a provision to extend by a further year to commence 1 April 2005.


Emergency Bus Service Tenders


The Cabinet agreed that the contract rules should be waived in respect of these tenders to allow services to continue from 9 May.
The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to award these contracts to the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, to the most economically advantageous bidder, subject to the budget being available to support these services.