Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 16 December 2003

No. Item


Critical Success Factors


The Cabinet noted the contents of the report and agreed to monitor progress against the Council's key priorities, including the Public Service Agreement (PSA).


Transport for Medway - Appointment of Consultants


The Cabinet agreed to enter into a contract with Colin Buchanan and Partners to undertake the Transport for Medway project including providing additional project management resource, together with the supplementary Stated Preference Surveys and survey work in Chatham as detailed in this report and the tender documentation, subject to funds being released from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.


Provisional Local Government Financial Settlement


The Cabinet noted the provisional settlement figures and HRA proposals as part of the budget setting process.


Ward Parking Review: Gillingham North


The Cabinet approved the following revisions to the existing Controlled Parking Zone:a) Remove Otway Street from the existing zone. b) Extend the hours of operation to 8am to 10pm Monday to Saturdayc) Introduce a one way system in Victoria Street on officers conducting a detailed traffic impact assessment (Appendix E to the report).
The Cabinet approved the following extension to the existing zone: a) The extension of the existing zone to include Burnt Oak Terrace, Chatsworth Road, Mill Road, Saunders Street and Richmond Road from its junction with Saunders Street to Cornwall Road b) The controlled hours of operation to be Monday to Saturday, 8am to 10pm.c) A one way system in Burnt Oak Terrace. (Appendix E to the report).
The Cabinet approved the proposed scheme to introduce a controlled parking zone from 8am to 10pm Monday to Saturday in the area near Gillingham Football Ground (Ingram Road Area). The boundaries of the zone are set out in Appendix D to the report.
The Cabinet gave delegated authority to the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Highways and Transport, to consider any valid objections received following the advertisement of the intention to make the traffic regulation order, and to decide whether to proceed with the making of the order, with or without modifications.


Acceptance of Tender: Provision of Occupational Health Services and Counselling Services


The Cabinet agreed that the contract for the provision of counselling services be awarded to Supportline on the terms set out in the report, commencing on 1 July 2004 and ending on 30 June 2007.
The Cabinet agreed that the contract for the provision of an occupational health service be awarded to AXA PPP Healthcare, commencing on 1 January 2004 and ending on 30 June 2007.


Black Lion and the Strand


The Cabinet agreed that the management of the Black Lion Leisure Centre and the Strand Leisure Park is brought under interim internal management whilst undertaking an options appraisal and market testing.
The Cabinet agreed that the outcome including options and recommendations be presented for Members to consider in a future report.


Lordswood Leisure Centre


The Cabinet agreed to grant, subject to decision 404/2003 below, Lordswood Leisure Trust a year's contract extension to 31 March 2005.
The Cabinet instructed officers to immediately enter into detailed lease negotiations with Lordswood Trust and authorised the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to use delegated powers to enter into a lease on the terms set out in the report.
The Cabinet agreed that the lease is to commence as soon as negotiations are finalised at which time the existing contract will be terminated.
The Cabinet agreed that the portfolio holder is fully informed of the progress and that when the lease is signed the management fee referred to in the report is no longer paid with immediate effect.
The Cabinet agreed that within the provision of the lease, space be made available for community projects at no cost.


Review of Greenspace Services


The Cabinet approved the scope attached to the report and the proposed way forward for the completion of the review of Greenspace Services.


Medway Renaissance Partnership


The Cabinet agreed the Memorandum and Articles of Association (as set out at appendix 1) subject to a revision, which will need to be approved by the shadow board, to reflect that the Leader of the Council will be the Chairman of the Partnership. The Memorandum and Articles of Association are to be referred to Council for information.
The Cabinet agreed that the Chairman of the Partnership be authorised to sign the finalised Memorandum and Articles of Association of Medway Renaissance Partnership.
The Cabinet recommended Council to confirm the nominations of three elected members of Medway Council: Leader of the Council as Chair of the Partnership, the portfolio holder for Planning and Economic Development and the leader of the largest opposition group, as well as the Chief Executive and Director of Development and Environment as directors of the board of Medway Renaissance Partnership as agreed by Council on 5 March 2003.


The Education of Looked After Children


Please see Record of Decisions


Recruitment Freeze


The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Development and Environment - Senior Clerk of Works

Chief Executive's - Member Support Assistant


Best Value Review - Property and Property Services


Please see the Cabinet Record of Decisions