Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 23 March 2021 6.30pm, Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Virtual Meeting

Contact:    Ellen Wright, Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Tashi Bhutia (Con) Vice-Chairman Apologies
Councillor Hazel Browne (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Kirstine Carr (Con) Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Simon Curry (Lab) Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Gary Etheridge (Con) Chairman Present
Councillor Matt Fearn (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Sylvia Griffin (Con) Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Stephen Hubbard (Lab) Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Harinder Mahil (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Andy Stamp (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Piers Thompson (Con) Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Stuart Tranter (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor John Williams (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Howard Doe (Con) Portfolio Holder In attendance
Ruth Du-Lieu Officer In attendance
Bob Dimond Officer In attendance
Sunny Ee Officer In attendance
Dave Harris Officer In attendance
Anna Marie Lawrence Officer In attendance
Andrew Mann Officer In attendance
Vicky Nutley Officer In attendance
Melanie Tong Public In attendance
Sarah Valdus Officer In attendance
Ellen Wright Committee Co-ordinator In attendance
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Turpin (Con) Substitute Present as substitute