Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 9 December 2014 6.30pm, Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Meeting Room 2 - Level 3, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham ME4 4TR

Contact:    Teri Reynolds, Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Pat Cooper (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Sam Craven (Lab) Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Dorte Gilry (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Pat Gulvin (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Josie Iles (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Barry Kemp (Con) Vice-Chairman Present
Councillor Tom Mason (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Adam Price (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Wendy Purdy (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor David Royle (Con) Chairman Present
Councillor Diana Smith (Lib Dem) Committee Member Present
Councillor Rupert Turpin (Con) Committee Member Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Sylvia Griffin
Councillor Tony Watson (Con) Committee Member Absent
Councillor Les Wicks (Con) Committee Member Present
Clive Mailing Non-elected, voting Apologies
Alex Tear Non-elected, voting Apologies
Vacancy x 2 Non-elected, voting Absent
Adrian Cole Non-elected, non-voting Present
Lauraine McManus Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Alan Street Non-elected, non-voting Present
Nathan Lee Non-elected, non-voting Present
Daniel Quirk Non-elected, non-voting Present
Patricia Daniels Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Karen White Non-elected, non-voting Present
Priti Joshi Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Vacancy Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Hilary Gerhard Officer In attendance
Keith Gulvin Officer In attendance
Jan Guyler Officer In attendance
Chris McKenzie Officer In attendance
Barbara Peacock Officer In attendance
Teri Reynolds Committee Co-ordinator In attendance
Councillor Kelly Tolhurst (Con) Holding The Executive to Account In attendance
Phil Watts Officer In attendance
Councillor Sylvia Griffin (Con) Substitute Present as substitute