Forward plan

Cabinet 4 February 2020 - Update No.1  (02/02/2020 to 31/05/2020)

Plan items
No. Item


Annual Adoption Report

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Jean Imray

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Annual Fostering Report

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Jean Imray

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Business Rate Relief New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Patrick Knight

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2020


Capital and Revenue Budgets 2020/21

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Phil Watts

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Capital Budget Monitoring - Round 3 2019/20

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Katey Durkin

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Council Plan Refresh 2020/21

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Phil Watts

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Final Funding Formula for Mainstream Schools and Academies 2020/2021

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Maria Beaney

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue and Capital Budgets 2020/21 and Rent and Service Charge Setting

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Mark Breathwick

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Medway Commercial Group Limited (MCG) Six Monthly Report and Business Plan Progress Update

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Carrie McKenzie

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/09/2019


Outcomes of Consultation on Proposals to Restructure Alternative Provision in Medway

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Paul Clarke, David Watkins

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/09/2019


Recruitment Freeze

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Carrie McKenzie

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Revenue Budget Monitoring - Round 3 2019/20

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Katey Durkin

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) Future Board Structure

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Joanne Cable

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership Business Plan 2020/2023

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Janine Weaver

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Sufficiency Report

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Rachael Horner

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Treasury Management Strategy 2020/21

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Feb 2020

Lead officer:  Jonathan Lloyd

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Climate Change Action Plan Update

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   3 Mar 2020

Lead officer:  Vicki Emrit

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Council Plan Monitoring and Risk Register 2019/2020 - Quarter 3

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   3 Mar 2020

Lead officer:  Lesley Jones, Andy McNally-Johnson

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


Gateway 3 Contract Award: LED Lighting Scheme

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Apr 2020

Lead officer:  Louise Browne

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


Medway's Whole System Approach to Tackling Obesity

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   3 Mar 2020

Lead officer:  Scott Elliott

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


Recruitment Freeze

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   3 Mar 2020

Lead officer:  Samantha Beck-Farley

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


Transport for the South East - Request to Government for Statutory Status

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Apr 2020

Lead officer:  Michael Edwards

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/06/2019


Mental Health Community Support

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   15 Dec 2020

Lead officer:  Jackie Brown

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2020


Community Safety Plan

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Jul 2020

Lead officer:  Neil Howlett

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


Recruitment Freeze

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Apr 2020

Lead officer:  Samantha Beck-Farley

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


Youth Justice Plan

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Jul 2020

Lead officer:  Andrew Willetts

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


Housing Enforcement and Licensing Policy

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   12 May 2020

Lead officer:  Mark Breathwick

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2020


Recruitment Freeze

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   12 May 2020

Lead officer:  Samantha Beck-Farley

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2020