Councillor Lia Mandaracas - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The Monitoring Officer advised that since publication of the Council agenda, he had been made aware that a number of Councillors may have had disclosable pecuniary interests arising from:
• Licensing/leasing allotments from the Council
• Tenancies of residential or commercial premises to / from the Council
• Their spouse, partner, friend or family member with whom they had a close association may be an employee of the Council,
• Receipt of council tax reduction / exemption.
The Monitoring Officer advised that he had exercised a delegation to grant a dispensation to all Members of the Council to participate, debate and vote on the budget reports considered at the Council Budget setting meeting where a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) or Other Significant Interest arose from the circumstances set out above.
Councillor Mandaracas advised that she had been granted a dispensation.
Councillor Lia Mandaracas - Other Significant Interests - Councillor Mandaracas declared an OSI in relation to item 6 (Medway Food Strategy) as she was a Trustee for the Sunlight Centre which very briefly came up during the discussion on that item. Apart from the brief reference it was not part of the discussion or the decision and therefore she was able to remain in the meeting during the dis