Councillor Paula Hamilton - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The Monitoring Officer advised that since publication of the Council agenda, he had been made aware that a number of Councillors may have had disclosable pecuniary interests arising from:
• Licensing/leasing allotments from the Council
• Tenancies of residential or commercial premises to / from the Council
• Their spouse, partner, friend or family member with whom they had a close association may be an employee of the Council,
• Receipt of council tax reduction / exemption.
The Monitoring Officer advised that he had exercised a delegation to grant a dispensation to all Members of the Council to participate, debate and vote on the budget reports considered at the Council Budget setting meeting where a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) or Other Significant Interest arose from the circumstances set out above.
Councillor Hamilton advised that she had been granted a dispensation.