Councillor Harinder Mahil - Other Significant Interests - Councillor Mahil declared an interest in agenda item No.17 (Star Hill to Sun Pier Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan - Request to Adopt Document and Extend the Conservation Area) and agenda item No.18 (Star Hill to Sun Pier Conservation Area Significance Led Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document - Request for Adoption) as he lived within the Conservation Area. Councillor Mahil left the room during discussion and determination of the item
Councillor Naushabah Khan - Other Significant Interests - Councillor Mahil declared an interest in agenda item No.17 (Star Hill to Sun Pier Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan - Request to Adopt Document and Extend the Conservation Area) and agenda item No.18 (Star Hill to Sun Pier Conservation Area Significance Led Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document - Request for Adoption) as he lived within the Conservation Area. Councillor Mahil left the room during discussion and determination of the item