Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Work Programme'
Alan Marsh - Personal and Prejudicial - Parish Councillor Alan Marsh declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 7 (work programme) as complaint no. MO/152 referred to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Allhallows Parish Council and he was a member of that Parish Council. Also, complaint MO/153 was against him, so he would leave the room whilst this matter was discussed but would return for consideration of the exempt appendix.
Councillor Diana Smith - Personal - Councillor Smith declared a personal interest in agenda item 7 (work programme) as the report referred to other Councillors who the Members knew as Members of Medway Council.
Councillor Julie Shaw - Personal - Councillor Shaw declared a personal interest in agenda item 7 (work programme) as the report referred to other Councillors who the Members knew as Members of Medway Council.