Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Planning application - MC/24/0291 Land adjacent to Fenn Street and Ratcliffe Highway, St Mary Hoo, Rochester, Medway, ME3 8RF'
- Councillor Phil Filmer - Other interests - During agenda item 5, Councillor Filmer declared an interest in MC/24/0291 Land adjacent to Fenn Street and Ratcliffe Highway, St Mary Hoo, Rochester, Medway, ME3 8RF and stated that he had a family involvement in Bradford’s Garage which was close to the site.
- Councillor Stephen Hubbard - Other interests - Councillor Hubbard, speaking as a Ward Councillor, referred to planning application MC/24/1466 Manor Farm Quarry, Parsonage Lane, Frindsbury, Rochester, ME2 4UT and stated that although the owners and residents of the Manor House were relatives of his wife, he did not and never had a personal interest. He also stated that in readiness for a planning presentation he did meet a representative of the applicant recently and spoke for a short period of time regarding planning matters relating to this application and the Manor Farm housing estates reserved matter planning application.