Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Planning application - MC/23/2060 Boot Fair, Upnor Road, Upnor, Rochester'
- Councillor Michael Pearce - Other Significant Interests - Councillor Pearce referred to application MC/23/2060 Boot Fair, Upnor Road, Upnor Rochester and informed the Committee that the applicant was a customer for a business for which he was a stakeholder. As the interest was financial, he would leave the meeting and take no part in the determination of the application.
- Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Turpin - Other interests - Councillor Mrs Turpin referred to application MC/23/2060 Boot Fair, Upnor Road, Upnor Rochester and informed the Committee that she had written, in support, of the application and would withdraw from the meeting and take no part in the determination of the application.