Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Planning application - MC/22/1351 St Nicholas CE Voluntary Controlled Infant School London Road Strood Rochester'
- Councillor Joanne Howcroft-Scott - Other interests - Councillor Howcroft-Scott referred to planning application MC/22/1351 St Nicholas Ce Voluntary Controlled Infant School and informed the Committee that in 2003 she was the Deputy Head Teacher of that School and had arranged a petition complaining about the windows overlooking the playground.
- Councillor Sylvia Griffin - Other Significant Interests - Councillor Griffin referred to application MC/22/1351 St Nicholas Ce Voluntary Controlled Infant School and advised that she was a School Governor so would remove herself from the meeting and take no part in the determination of the application.
- Councillor Zoë Van Dyke - Other interests - Councillor Van Dyke referred to planning application MC/22/1351 St Nicholas Ce Voluntary Controlled Infant School and informed the Committee that as she wished to address the Committee as Ward Councillor on this planning application, she would take no part in the determination of the application.