Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Planning application - MC/19/0336 - Gibraltar Farm, Ham Lane, Hempstead, Gillingham'
- Councillor Martin Potter - Other interests - Councillor Potter referred to planning application MC/19/0336 – Gibraltar Farm,
Ham Lane, Hempstead, Gillingham and informed the Committee that as a
Cabinet Portfolio Holder he had previously voted not to grant a right of access
across Council land to the application site but he was satisfied that this did not
preclude him from taking part in the consideration and determination of this new
planning application.
- Councillor Mrs Diane Chambers - Other interests - The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Diane Chambers referred to planning application
MC/19/0336 – Gibraltar Farm, Ham Lane, Hempstead, Gillingham and advised
that as she had previously declared her views upon potential development of
this site she would not take part in the discussion or determination of this
planning application. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman
chaired the meeting for this planning application.
- Councillor Simon Curry - Other interests - Councillor Curry referring to planning application MC/19/0336 – Gibraltar Farm,
Ham Lane, Hempstead, Gillingham commented that this planning application
made reference to byways and Public Rights of Way and he informed the
Committee that he was the Chairman of the Local Access Forum. However, he
did not consider that this precluded him from taking part in the discussion and
determination of the planning application.