Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Proposed Amalgamation of Stoke Primary and Allhallows Primary Academies'
- Fay Cordingley - Disclosable pecuniary interests - Fay Cordingley (Church of England Diocese representative) declared a
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in item 5 (Proposed Amalgamation of Stoke
Primary and Allhallows Primary Academies) as there would be an impact on the
school at which she was Headteacher (St James’ C of E Primary School),
should Stoke Primary Academy close, because of the proximity of the two
schools. Therefore, she withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and
decision on this item.
- Geoffrey Matthews - Disclosable pecuniary interests - Geoff Matthews (Teacher representative) declared a Disclosable Pecuniary
Interest in item 5 (Proposed Amalgamation of Stoke Primary and Allhallows
Primary Academies) as he was an employee of the Leigh Academy Trust. He
therefore withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and decision on this